By on Monday, 30 November 2015

Technology Management

Management of technology

1 . Write an essay on management of technology.

2 . Write short notes on the following terms :

(a) MoT,  (b) ToT   (c) Models of ToT  (d) C-D model (e) Process of ToT

3 .  Discuss the strategic considertion of MoT .

4 . Write short notes on the R $ D strategies of the following :

(a) Traditional strategy      (b) Diffusion and imitation

( c ) Technology metabolism (d) Innovation and entrepreneurship

5. Discuss what is meant by “ creative response to challenges” .Who used this term first ? What are its ramifications ? Give some examples .

6 . Write an essay on institutional framework and support in MoT.

7 . (a) Name the KRA of MoT.

(b) Discuss each of them briefly.

8. Write short notes on the following :

(a) Communication gap    (b) Suitability gap

9 . (a) Distinguish ‘Design engineering function , from that of Scientific and technological function ,in MoT.

(b) What are the types of organisation, You propose to meet in the above functions .

10 . (a) What is meant by human capital  .

(b) How is value addition an important aspect in MoT ?

( c ) What are the methods of value addition ?

11 . (a) What are phases in the process of technology transfer ?

(b) Discuss them briefly

12 . Writw an essay on the technology acquisition process in MoT, bringing out clearly the steps involved therein, and the activities in each step to meet the objective, highlighting the precaution and special considerations if any.

13 . Write an essay on the ‘Technology Absorption Process  in MoT bringing out clearly the steps involved therein, and the activities in each step highlighting the pitfalls and precautions necessary.

14 . Write an essay on the technology adaptation phase in the MoT listing the different steps and activities,highlighting the pitfalls and precautions if any.

15 . Write an essay on the technology imvrovement phase in ToT, listing the different steps and activities.Also highlight the special consideration precautions if any.

16 . Write short notes on :

(a) Selection of technology     (b)  NIT

( c ) Tender evaluation             (d) ToT Agreement

(e)  Loopholes in agreement      ( f )  Safeguard in agreements.

17. Write short notes on the following :

(a) Integration                         (b)Value addition

( c ) Indigenisation                  (d) Ancillarisation

(e) Principles of exportable surplus  ( f )  Principle of comparative advantages

18 . Write short notes on the following :

(a) Fiscal support and financial incentive

(b) Technology obsolescence

( c ) Technology bank

(d) Engineering division

Important Technology Management  points

1. Development of Perception

2. Introduction

3. Historical Development

4.Management of Technology (MoT)

5. Transfer of Technology

6. Models of Transfer of Technology

7. Methods of Transfer of Technology

8 . Scope

9. TechnologyTransfer Process

10 . Strategic Consideration of Mot

11. R&D Leadership

12 . R&D Strategy

13 . Traditional Strategy

14 . Technology Diffusion and Imitation

15. Technology Metabolism

16 . Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship

17 . Mobilising and pooling resources

18 . Cooperation and coordination between nations

19 . Innovation in production technology and methods

20 .      Marketing innovation

21 . Creative Responses to Challenges

22 . Small vs Big Manufacturing Strategy

23 . Flexible Production Methods

24 . Marketing innovation

25 . Competition without Competing But by Creating Value for Customer

26 . Finding Better Ways of Delivering Higher Values

27 . Basic Question Strategy

28 . Meet –the – User Strategy

29 . Institutional Framework And Support

30 . Organisational Development

31 . Government Control and Support

32 . Government Policy on R$D

33 . Key Result Areas ( KRAs)

34 . Formulation and Effective Implementation of S$T policies

35 . Manpower Development

36 . Selective Import of Technology

37 . Simulation of Indigenous Technology

38 . Institutional Sipport

39 . Communication Gap

40 . Suitability Gap

41 . Technical  Institutions

42 . Design Engineering Function

43 . Scientific and Technological Function

44 . Korean Experience

45 . Financial Insitutions and Support

46 . International Cooperations

47 . Human Capital

48 . Introduction

49 .Value Addition

50 . Turn-Key and Value Addition

51 . MoT and Value A ddition

52 .Transfer of Technology Process

53 . Phases

54 . Technology Acquisition

55 . Selection of Technology

56 . Selection Of Collaborator

57 . Finalisation of Agreement

58 . Technology Absorption

59 . Capital Expenditure

60 . Infrastructure

61 . Integration

62 . Value Addition

63 .Foreign Exchange (FE)

64 . Production

65 . Technology Adaptation

66 . Indigenisation

67 . Vendor Development

68. Ancillarisation

69 . Social Orientation

70 . Fiscal Support and Finanical Incentives

71 . Coordination and Cooperation

72 .  Technology Improvement

73 . technology Obsolescence

74 . Organisation Structure and R$Dleadership

75 . Engineering Division

76 . Safeguards in Agreement

77 . Future of MoT

78 . Quality Relationship

79 . Golbalisation

80 . Principles of Exportable Surplus

81 . Principles of Comparative Advantages

82. Professionalisation

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