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Marketing For Managers (Code: av-01)

Marketing For Managers
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Marketing For Managers Marketing For Managers Marketing For Managers
Marketing For Managers SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP 2016-17
Product Details:         Marketing For Managers ASSIGNMENT HELP
Product Name:           Marketing For Managers
Format:                         PDF OR WORD FILE by email attachment same day
Pub. Date:                     NEW EDITION Current assignment
Edition Description:   2016-17

 Note: Attempt all the questions

Q1) – why does marketing need a new philosophy? . And why should the new philosophy make value delivery as its control plank?

Q2) Explains marketing research. Discuss the steps involve in marketing research process.

Q3) How Marketing of services is different then marketing product. Explain their main characteristic of services.

Q4) A product is more than a physical entities it has personality? Take a consumer product of your choice explain its personality in details

Q5) If you are asked to decide the selection distribution channel what factors you feel it ? Useful to understand this concept

Q6) Pricing becomes a difficult task as it has to quantify the value on the product / offers? Do you agree? It is absolute essential to select pricing to value as closely as possible.

Q7) What is SBU and how SBU level marketing planning takes off from corporate level plan?

Q8) explain the concept of consumer behavior. Discuss the major factor influencing consumer behavior.

Q9) why branding is important for marketing a product? What are the brand strategic available to a firm

Q10) (A) Mention and explain the 4P’s of the marketing mix.

(B) Distinguish between advertising and publicity

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