Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:57

Ms-22 june 2008

MS-22    June, 2008


1. Explain  the  concept  of  career.  Describe different  strategies for  career development.

2.  What is  Human  Resource  Development ? Discuss  briefly the various strategies  of  HRD.

3. Critically  analyse  the  process  which  brings  us  from performance  appraisal  to  performance  management.

4 Discuss the  ways  and  means  of  managing  technological change in  work  organisation.  Cite suitable  illustrations.

5.  write  short nctes on  any  three  of  the  following  :

(a)  Diversity management

(b)  Socialization

(c)  Induction Training

(d)  Coaching

(e)  Reward svstem


Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:55

Ms-22 june 2009

MS-22    June, 2009



1. Define  HRD  and  discuss  value-anchored processes  of  HRD.  Explain  how do  these  processes help  an  organization in  achieving excellence. Explain  with  relevant examples.

2. What  is  Action Research  ?  How  does  it differ from OD  ?  Discuss the  important  factors  to  be considered in  the  development of  internal self-renewal  facilitators,  with  suitable  examples.

3. Define  and  describe  the  objectives  and disadvantages  of  Multisource Feedback  and Assessment  Feedback  System  (MAFS).  Discuss what  are the  indicators  of  an  organization's readiness  to  participate in  MAFS ?

4. Discuss  the means  of  managing technological changes  in work  organization.  Briefly describe  the factors  which  facilitate  developing the  change mind-set.  Explain with  suitable  examples.

5. Write  short notes  on any three  of  the following:

(a)  Need for  competency  mapping

(b)  Diversity  management

(c)  Horizontal re-skilling

(d)  Mentoring

(e)  Role  of Trade  Unions  in  HRD


6.  Read  the  csse  and  answer  the  questions  giaen  at the end.

ABC  Food  Limited,  a  multinational corporation  dealing  in  consumer  food  products,

started  its operations  in  India from  1965. Initially,  the  growth  of  the  company has

been  very  slow,  because  of  the  limited  market  size in  India  for  ready food  items.  However, during the  last  three  years  there  has  been  a  boom  in  the fast  food market  and many new companies  have ventured into  the same  product line.  ABC Food Limited,  being  an  old  company  operating  in  India, has  distinct advantages  vis-a-vis  its competitors who  are of recent  standing.  The  products of the company  have enjoyed  very  good reputation in the  market from  the day of its inception.  Over a period  of  time,  the company  has added many new  products which  have  been  successfully accepted  by  the market. In  view  of  the recent competition offered to  its  existing product  line, the  company  has launched a number  of  new products in  the  last three  years.  Based  on  the Market  Research  Survey conducted by  the company regarding  acceptance  of  their  new products, the feedback  has  been  excellent.  There is  ample scope  for  the  company  to penetrate  into   the  existing rnarkets  as  well  as  expand the  size  of the  existi.g  market by  introducing  its  products into  areas  in  which  the  company  does not  have any marketing set-up till  date.

The organisational  set-up of  the  company in  India  consists  of  Marketing  Director  at  the corporate  level  and  four  Zonal  Managers Marketing,  each  in  charge  of  East,  West, North, South zone independently. The  order  of  promotion  in  Marketing Department is Management  Trainee – Marketing Officer  -  Branch  Manager -  Regronal  Manager -Zonal Manager -  Director  Marketing. Mr.  Khan joined  the company  in  1982  as  a Management Trainee, Marketing  and  after completion of two  years  of rigorous  Management Training in  all  the  four zonal  offices,  he  was  placed in Bombay Zonal  Office as  Marketing  Officer. Mr. Khan  did  his  MBA  in  1982  after  graduating  in Commerce.  He was selected  on  the  basis  of Campus  Interview  by the  company.  Mr. Khan has been  recognized  as  an outstanding  officer  based on his  previous Performance  Appraisal  Reports throughout  his  career  with  the  company  by

different  bosses  with whom he  had  worked during the relevant time.

    The company's  performance  appraisal system  has  been  recently  updated  and modified with  the  cooperation  and  consultation  of  an outside  consultant  in the  area  of Human Resource Development.  The  thrust of the  new performance appraisal  system  is  on mutual  consultation  and fixation  of target  on the  basis  of joint  discussion between  the  appraisee  and  the  appraiser.  Another distinct feature  of  the new  system  is that  it  has two-tier  system of  assessment,  one  by  the immediate boss  under  whom  the appraisee  is working  and second  by the  boss  of the  reporting officer.

The  immediate  boss  of  Mr.Khan  is  Mr. Singh, who is  in the  grade  of Branch  Manager  but placed at  Zonal Office, Bombay.  During  the last  three years,  Mr.Khan  and Mr.  Singh  have  been  given the  assignment  of  conducting Market Research in  various  parts  of  the  country  with  the help  of an advertising  company.  In  this connection  both have  to travel extensively  to different parts  of the country,  being  away from  their  families  and permanent  place  of  work  at times  for  even  more than  15 days in  a  month.  Mr.  Dutt,  the  Zonal Manager,  Marketing in charge  of Bombay  division since  1985,  was  transferred  on  promotion  as Zonal Manager form  Northern  Zane where he  was working  as Regional Manger. He  has been observing the  working  of Mr.  Khan as  reviewing officer,  being the  immediate boss  of  Mr.  Singh. During  this  period, Mr.  Dutt  had  developed  a fancy  for  Mr.Khan  being smart, energetic  and

dynamic  in  his  approach  to  work.  He  has been talking good  about  him to  Mr. Singh  from  time  to time. However, during  some  of  the  trips  to outstation which  were jointly  undertaken by Mr. Khan and Mr. Singh,  Mr.Singh  observed  that Mr.  Khan has started  taking his work  lightly  as he  tends  to  spend more time  with  clients in informal  get-togethers  instead  of serious  business discussions.  Moreover,  he  has  developed  tendency of overcharging  his  expenses  on  such  tours  to the company.  So  far,  all  such  expenses  were authorized  by  Mr. Singh  for  payment  to  Mr. Khan. Keeping  in  mind  Mr.Khan's  excellent performance,  Mr.Singh  has  been  avoiding bringing  it  to  Mr.  Khan's  notice. Mr. Singh  has  to  fill  up the  Appraisal  Report of  Mr.Khan for  the calendar  year 1988.  For the last three years,  ever since  Mr.  Khan  started working  wit-h Mr.Singh, he has been getting excellent  reports from  Mr.Singh. In  view  of  the above developments,  Mr.Singh has  not  given  an excellent report  to  Mr.  Khan for  the  Appraisal Year 1988.  He  has also  made certain adverse remarks  about his integrity  and honesty.

  Mr.  Khan is  due  for  promotion  and the Appraisal Report  for  1988  is very  important  for him  because  as  per the promotion  policy of  the company,  promotions  are  decided  on  the  basis  of the  last  three  years'  appraisal  reports.

Questions  :

(a)  Identify  and discuss  the core  issue  in  the case.

(b) Was Mr.  Singh  justified  in  giving  adverse remarks  regarding  Mr. Khan's  integrity and honesty?

(c)  How  would  you  view  the  action  of Mr.Singh, if  you  were the  M.D.  of  the company?

(d)  If  you were  the  M.D. of the  company,  how do  you solve  the  issue?

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:54

Ms-22 june 2010

MS-22    June, 2010



1.Define HRD. Briefly discuss the changing boundaries of HRD and HRD trends in Asian Countries.

2.What is the concept of career ? Briefly describe the individual and organisational strategies for career development. Explain with suitable example.


3. What are the objectives of compensation cum reward system ? How is assessment done for rewarding employees, discuss with example.

4. What is Self-Renewal System ? Describe the important aspects of development of Internal Self Renewal Facilitators, with suitable examples.


5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Competency Mapping.

b) The Coaching Process.

c)  HRD Audit.

d)  Knowledge Management in Organisations

(e) Managing Technological changes in work organisation.

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:51

Ms-22 june 2011

MS-22    June, 2011


1. What are the 3 Ss of Organisational Development ?  Discuss the Competency based Organisational  Development System. Explain with suitable  examples.

2. What are the objectives of compensation cum-  reward system ? Briefly discuss various  components of compensation system, citing  suitable examples.

3.  How does HRD Audit contribute towards  development process of an organisation ? Explain  the process of HRD Audit in an organisation.

4.What are the issues in managing technological  change in work organisation ? Briefly discuss the  role and relationship of HRD in managing  technological change.

5.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  360 Degree Appraisal

(b)  Mentoring

(c)  Role of Trade Unions in HRD

(d)  Career Transition and choices

(e)  Diversity Management


6.  Read the case and answer the questions given  at the end :

The HRD programme was decided to be  initiated in IOC as a totally fresh and  uncontaminated idea. To introduce HRD as a  fresh idea was in itself an innovative idea, since  the Corporation had well - established Human  Resources Management policies and practices.  Yet, the very idea was mooted as a concept,  accepted as a principle, presented to the top  management in the company represented by the  Directors and got cleared for introduction as a  necessary intervention, considering the growth  and development plans of the organisation.

To start with, the road -show of the concept  comprised a wide campaign to create extensive  awareness that HRD, as an issue, was everybody's  baby and that it needs to be properly nurtured  and cared for. When the whole objective was  explained to critical senior management groups,  the concept received wide acceptance. After all,  any new idea should be worth looking into !  The top and senior management groups in  the Corporation, thus backed and accepted in  principle, the process of undertaking a company  -wide campaign for the new-look HRD  programme. This, no doubt, implied that the   established policies will continue to be operated,  but are liable to be tested for validity and modified  for deficiency, wherever called for.  The awareness campaign was set in motion  with great vigour and gusto. The initial campaign  was concentrated on executives at all iceek. This  pre - supposed two things : top management commitment as a vanguard action and executive  involvement as a lead group activity. Within a  short time, conferences, seminars, workshops and  training programmes were designed, drawn -up  and delivered throughout the organisation to cover  virtually every executive.

What was missed in the process was the  large bulk of non- executives. Though there was

a plan to cover the non execuuive involment in the  second  leg  of the campaign, the the very fact intial  efforts  were  going only in the direction of executives  created its own rustles amid rambles.

The HRD action groups, who were  spearheading and controlling the HRD activities,  naturally had to take notice or the message which  had come too soon from the non --executive  categories of employees. It was, therefore, only  natural to recognise that  . without waiting for the  second leg of the campaign, the need was to  advance the campaign schedule and initiate the  HRD awareness programme for non- executives.

    as well. After : all. the milk has to  be  given gladly  to the baby which started crying !  But the  process  of covering the large mass  of non- executive employees was not an easy task.  The number  as well as the spread of numerous locations throughout the company made the task   to achieve coverage of maximum number of  non-executive employees to a one-day "HRD)  awareness programme". The programme outline  was centrally designed but the specific inputs were  left to be  decided  by the divisional and unit  functionaries.

The programme design provided for  executives as faculty, who would  cover  small  non - executive groups in lecture and discussion  sessions on the whole concept of new FIND  programme that the Corporation is contemplating.  When the executives speak to the non -executives  on any projected company programme, needing  involvement of non  executives, a pinch of salt is  always present ! This was true for the initial  awareness programmes organised for  non -executives as well. When it became clear that  the message was not really going down to the  participants, naturally the question arose whether  it was worthwhile going ahead with the rest of  the programmes covering the large majority of  non-executives.

     The HRD group stepped in and rolled back  their campaign at least temporarily to review  whether everything is going to be okay or not. It  was the general view that there is a "receptability  block" operating in the communication channel  between the executive faculty members and the  non -executive participants. This has to be  overcome if the programme is to give the  maximum possible return.

It was one of the ideas to try out the next  few programmes with faculty drawn from among  the non -executives themselves, rather than the  traditional executive faculty. Employees from  non - executive category with excellent  communication, comprehension and influencing  skills were identified and provided with a briefing  as to what exactly is the inherent purpose of the  awareness programme.

It was a revelation to find a sea - change in  the receptability of participants. Although, the  programme input was the same, the difference  lay in the fact that earlier the executive faculty  used to speak to the non - executive participants,  whereas now it was the non - executives  themselves functioning as faculty, speaking to  their own colleagues in a language perceived as  their own. We often tend to forget this and end  up reaping a harvest much below our expectation.

      Therefore, it is worth considering : why settle for  a lean harvest when you can afford to have the  full harvest ! It is small ideas that often bring big  results.

Questions :

(a)  What is the problem as you see it ?  Elaborate.

(b)  List the lessons learnt. What is your  recommendation in this situation ?

(c)  What is the "receptability block" ? Explain.

(d)  What were the changes witnessed ? How  did they occur ?

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:46

Ms-22 dec 2007

MS-22    Dec, 2007



1. Define  and  describe  three  Ss  of  organizational Development-  Briefly  discuss  the  process  of formulating  the Organisational  Development  Plan.

2. What is  Compensation  System  ? What considerations  are taken  into  account  in  designing  a reward  system  ? Explain with example.

3. Define  and  describe  Diversity  and  Power.  Briefly  discuis the  cultural,  structural  and  behavioural  influences  on Diversity and  Power,  with  examples.

4. Enumerate  and  briefly  describe  the  evaluation  criteria against  which  'HRD'  is  assessed  for  attaining the  status  of a  'Profession'.  Explain with  example.

5.  Write  short  notes  on  any  three  of  the  following  :

(a)  Knowledge Management

(b)  Developing Business  Ethics

(c)  Horizontal  re-skilling

(d)  Role of  Trade Unions  in  HRD

(e)  Basic processes  of  Coaching


6-  Read the  following  case  carefuily  and answer  the  questions given at  the  end.

Microelectronics,  a  carifornia-based  electronics defense contractor,  has  enjoyed  a  smooth  growth  curve over  the  past  five  years,' primarily  because of  favourable defense  funding  during  the  Reagan  administration's build-up  of  u.s.  military  defenses. Microerectronics has had  numerous  contracts to  design and  develop  guidance and  radar  systems  for  military weaponry. Although  the  favorable funding  cycle  has  enabled. Microelectronics  to  grow  at  a  steady  rate, the  company  is finding  it  increasingly  difficult  to  keep  its  really  good engineers.  Based  on  extensive  turnover  analyses conducted by  Ned Jackson,  the  human  resources  planning manager,  Microelectronics'  problem  seems  to  be  its inability  to  keep  engineers  beyond the  "critical,'  five  year point.  Apparently,  the  probability  of  turnover  drops dramatically after five years  of  service.  Ned's conclusion is that  Microelectronics  has  been  essentially  serving  as  an industry  college.  Their  staffing  strategy has  always  been to  hire  the  best  and  brightest  engineers  from  the  best engineering  schools in  the  United  States.

    Ned  believes that  these  engineers often  get  lost  in  the shuffle at  the  time  they  join  the  firm.  For  example,  most (if  not  all)  of  the  new  hires  must  work  on  non-classified projects  until  cleared  by  security  to  join  a  designated major  project.  Security  clearance  usually  takes  anywhere from  six  to  ten  months.  In  the  meantime  the  major project  has  started, and  these young  engineers frequently miss out  on  its  design phase, considered the  most  creative and  challenging segment of  the  program.  Because  of  the nature  of  project  work,  new  engineers  often  have difficulty  learning  the  organizational  culture  such  as who  to  ask  when  you  have  a  problem,  what  the  general dos and  don'ts  are,  and  why  the  organization does things in  a  certain  way.

   After  heading  a  task  force  of  human  resource professionals  within  Microelectronics,  Ned  has  been designated  to  present  to  top  management  a  proposal designed  to  reduce  turnover  among  young  engineering recruits.  The  essence of  his  plan  is  to  create  a  mentor program,  except  that  in  this  plan  the  mentors  will  not  be the  seasoned graybeards of  Microelectronics, but  rather those  engineers  in  the  critical  three-to-five-year  service window,  the  period  of  highest turnover.  These  engineers will  be  paired  with  new  engineering  recruits  before  the recruits  actually  report  to  Microelectronics  for  work.

   According  to  the  task  force,  the  programme  is twofold  '  (1)  it  benefits  the  newcomer  by  easing  the transition  into  the  company,  and  (2\  it  helps  the three-to-five-year  service  engineers  by  enabling  them  to serve  an  important  role  for  the  company.  By  performing the  mentor  role,  these  .engineers  will  .become  more committed  and  hence  less  likely  to  leave.  As  Ned prepared  his  fifteen-minute  presentation  for  top management,  he  wondered  if  he  had  adequately anticipated  the  possible  objections  to  the  program  in order  to  make  an  intelligent  defense  of  it.  Only  time would  tell.


(a)  Identify  the  salient  issues  from  HR  point  of  view  for this case.

(b)  If  you  were  to  study  this  turnover  problem,  how would  you  conduct  a  needs  analysis  or  evolve  a counselling  programme  ?

(c)  What  are  the  causes of  dissatisfaction and  turn  over in  Microelectronics  ?

(d)  Do  you  find  the  mentoring  programme  suitable  to reduce  turnover  ? Justify  your answer.

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:43

Ms-22 dec 2008

MS-22    Dec, 2008



1. What  are 3 Ss  of  Organisational Development ? Discuss  the  Competency  Based  Organisational Development  System,  with  suitable  examples.


2. What  are  the  important  guidelines  fot implementing  Organisational  Development  ? Discuss  the  process  of  Internal  Self-Renewal Facilitator  in  the  Organisation.

3. Which  factors  are  importantin  designing  a  Reward System  ?  Discuss  the  dimensions  of  "What  to Reward" and "How  to  Rewatd", with  examples.

4. Define  globalisation, and  global  corporations. Discuss  various Organisation Structures  in  the context  of global  operations  of  organisations,  with examples.

5. Write short  notes  on any three  of the  following  :

(a)  Cognitive Age

(b)  HRD in Voluntary  Organisation

(c)  Chief  Knowledge  and  Chief  Learning Managers

(d)  Diversity  and Membership

(e)  Coaching  Process


6. Please  read  the  case  and  answer  the  questions  glven at  the  end.

"AMBER  PHARMACEUTICALS' In  a pharma  company manufacturing and marketing  drugs  and  medicines,  the  research  staff has developed  a number  of  new  products and formulations  which are  effective. But  at  the  same time  it  has to  meet severe  competition  from stalwarts  with foreign  collaboration.  Mr. Shah,  the Vice President  Marketing,  has a very  successful Pharma  Marketing background. He  has  been  with the  company  for  the  past  4 years.  Mr.  Shah  had made ambitious plans for  capturing a sizeable share  of  the  market  in  Gujarat.  The  company  being medium  sized,  Mr.  Shah  had kept his marketing department  and  the  marketing  team  lean  and  trim. The  field  sales  staff  was given aggressive  targets and  were  virtually  pushed  to  reach  the  respective targets.  The  field staff  worked to  their  best  abilities to  complete  their  respective  targets.  Mr. Shah  had himself been  working  almost 11-12  hours a day. There  was  no  formal  appraisal  and  reward  system in the  company. During  last  5  years  more  than  60 Medical  Representatives  and  Area  Supervisors  had left  the  company  due  to  unsatisfactory  increments and  promotions.  Those  who left  the  company  were  star workers.  But  lvfr. Shah did  not  care  for  this high  turnover.  He  was  over  confident  that  he would  be able to  hire  freshers  and  also select candidates who  were  not  happy  with  their remuneration  in  their  respective  companies.  Mr. Shah had  never  communicated  to  the  field  sales staff  about  their  performance  or  reasons  for  not recognising  their outstanding performance  in a  few cases.  There  was  on  the  whole great  dissatisfaction and good perforrners were leaving  the  company.


(t)  What  do you  perceive is  the  basic problem in 'AMBER'?

(b)  What  are the  steps  you  will  take  serially  to correct the  situation  ?

c)  In  the  event  of  your  suggesting  a Performance  Appraisal  System  :

(i)  How will you  decide a suitable system, of appraisal ?

(ii)  Will  your  system  include  merit, rewards  and promotions  ?

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:42

Ms-22 dec 2009

MS-22    Dec, 2009



1. "With global economy and the world becoming a global village, the business enterprises have became extremely cautious of the need for hiring competent human resources and developing core competencies required for the organisation." Discuss the underlying concepts and processes in the light of the above remark with examples.

2. Why should organisations reward their employees ? Discuss how are the reward systems designed in an organisation and explain the ways in which employees are rewarded in an organisational set up.

3. Define HRD Audit. How can HRD Audit be used as an OD intervention in an organisation ? Briefly describe the significance of HRD score-card of a firm.


4. Explain the concept of Knowledge Management. Briefly discuss various approaches to knowledge management, with suitable examples.


5. Write short notes on any three  of the following :

a) Re-organisation of work

b) Systems Theory and Human Performance

c) Vertical re-skilling

d) Career transition and choices

(e) Mentoning


6. Please read the case and answer the questions given at the end.

Kalyani Electronics Corporation Ltd. recently diversified its activities and started

producing computers. It employed personnel at lower level and middle level. It has received several applications for the post of Commercial Manager-Computer Division. It could not decide upon the suitability of the candidate to the position, but did find that Mr. Prakash is more qualified for the position than other candidates.

Now the Corporation has created a new post below the cadre of General Manager i.e. Joint General Manager and asked Mr. Prakash to join the Corporation as Joint General Manager. Mr. Prakash agreed to it viewing that he will be considered for the General Manager's position based on his performance. Mr. Anand, the Deputy General Manager of the Corporation and one of the candidates for General Manager's position was annoyed with the management's practice. But, he wanted to show his performance record to the management at the next appraisal meeting. The management of the Corporation asked Mr. Sastry, General Manager of Televisions Division to be the General Manager in-charge of Computer Division for some time, until a new General Manager is appointed. Mr. Sastry wanted to switch over to the Computer Division in view of the prospects, prestige and recognition of the position among the top management of the Corporation. He viewed this assignment as a chance to prove his performance. The Corporation has the system of appraisal of the superior's performance by the subordinates. The perfomance of the Deputy General Manager, Joint General Manager and General Manager has to be appraised by the same group of subordinates. Mr. Prakash is a stranger to the system as well as its  Modus Operandi. Mr. Sastry and Mr. Anand were competing with each other

in convincing their subordinates about their performance and used all sorts of techniques for pleasing them like promising them a wage hike, transfers to the job of their interest, promotions etc. However, these two officers functioned in collaboration with a view to pull down Mr. Prakash. They openly told their subordinates that a stranger should not occupy the 'chair'. They created several groups among employees like pro-Anand group, pro-Sastry group, anti-Prakash and Sastry Group, anti-Anand and Prakash group. Mr. Prakash has been watching the proceedings calmly and keeping the management in touch with all these developments. However, Mr. Prakash has been quite work-conscious and top management found his performance under such a political atmosphere to be satisfactory. Prakash's pleasing manners and way of maintaining human relations with different levels of employees did, however, prevent an anti-Prakash wave in the company. But in view of the politicisation, there is no strong pro-Prakash's group either. The management administered the performance appraisal technique and the subordinates appraised the performance of all the three managers. In the end, surprisingly, the workers assigned the following overall scores. Prakash : 560 points, Sastry : 420 points; and Anand : 260 points.

Questions :

a)How do you evaluate the workers' appraisal in this case ?

b)Do you suggest any techniques to avert politics creeping into the process of performance appraisal by subordinates ?

(c) What measures would you like to suggest in dispensing with such an appraisal system ?


Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:39

Ms-22 dec 2010

MS-22    Dec, 2010


Solutions of papers from ignou university

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:36

Ms-22 dec 2011

MS-22    Dec, 2011


1. What are the important guidelines for  implementing Organisational Development ?  Discuss the process of Internal self Renewal  Facilitator in an organisation.

2. Define Compensation System. Discuss in brief the  characteristics which should be rewarded, and  explain why ? Cite examples.

3. How do you see the roles of chief knowledge  managers and chief learning managers different  from that of traditional Head (HRD) at national  and international levels ? Discuss critically with  suitable example.

4. Define and describe globalisation and global  corporations. What makes globalisation work ?  Explain with example ?

5. Write short notes on  any three  of the following :

(a) Value anchored HRD Processes

(b) Need for Campetency mapping

(c) Reorganisation of work

(d) HRD in voluntary organisations.

6.  Read the following case carefully and answer  the questions given at the end.

The eleven workers whose annual  increments were stopped made a representation  to the management of XYZ Limited that the  action taken was not justified and that they  wanted to know what was their fault. The  management which acted upon the  recommendation of the department head  concerned, Mr. Rog, felt guilty because such an  action was taken for the first time in the history  of the company.  XYZ Limited was a large paper  manufacturing company in South India. The  major departments of the factory were:

1. Chemical processing : The raw material was  mixed with certain chemicals for making  pulp.

2. Pulp department : Pulp was mixed with  other ingredients according to specifications  for each order of paper.

3. Paper machine department : This was the  heart of the factory where processed pulp  was fed into the paper machines. Act first,  a wet weak paper was formed which was  subsequently dried and rolled.

4. Finishing department  :  The paper rolls were  then moved to the processing department  where the required coating was given.

5. Grading,  winding and packing  departments.

6. Quality control department.  Twenty eight workers worked in the  paper machine department in four  groups-each group attending one machine.  The nature of the work on each machine  was such that all the seven workers had to

work in cooperation. Because no individual  tasks could be specified, the group was

made responsible for the work turned out  by them. All the workers working in the  paper machine department had been with  the company for over ten years.  The company did not have any  incentive wage system for any class of its  employees. They were all given straight  salaries with normal annual increments.  The annual increments were sanctioned

each year in a routine way. It was the policy  of the company that the increments should

not be stopped unless the department head concerned recommended such an action.

Mr. Rog was placed in charge of the  paper machine department a year ago.  Though Mr. Rog was a newcomer in the concerned recommended such an action.  Mr. Rog was placed in charge of the  paper machine department a year ago.  Though Mr. Rog was a newcomer in the  organisation, he proved himself to be a very  competent man. The management noted  that he was very aggressive and enthusiastic  and that he know his job well. At the end  of the year when increments were due to  be sanctioned, he recommended to the  management that the increments due to  eleven men in his department should be  stopped, for, in his opinion they were lazy  and inefficient. The eleven men concerned  belonged to all the four groups operating in  the department.

The management, though puzzled  about the action recommended by Mr. Rog,  acted upon it and stopped the increments  due to the eleven men concerned. The  management were aware that such an  action was the first of its kind in the history  of the company. Most of the employees were  with the company for a fairly long period  and there was never an instance of strained  relations between the management and the  employees.

Soon after the action was taken, the  eleven employees concerned made a  representation to the management  requesting them to let them know what was  wrong with their work as to warrant  stopping of their increments.  The management were in a fix because they did  not have specific reasons to give except

Mr. Rog's report in which he simply  mentioned that the eleven men concerned  were "lazy and inefficient."  The management were naturally  concerned about the representation and  therefore, they tried to ascertain from  Mr. Rog the detailed circumstances under  which he recommended the stoppage of  increments. When Mr. Rog could not  pin-point the reasons, the management  suspected that Mr. Rog's recommendation  was based on his "impressions" rather than  on facts. They, therefore, advised Mr. Rog  to maintain a register from then on nothing  the details of day to day incidents of  "lazy and inefficient" workers and obtain  the signatures of the workers concerned.

Mr. Rog was to make the final appraisal of  each worker in his department on the basis  of this register and recommend each case  giving specific reasons why increments  should be stopped.  Mr. Rog started maintaining a register  as suggested by the management; but he  found it difficult to report satisfactorily any  case of laziness of inefficiency for want of  specific reasons.

     The management were convinced that  their action of stopping increments of eleven  men on the strength of Mr. Rog's report was  not a proper one. They realised that no  similar action in future would be taken  based on inadequate information. But, they  were wondering whether the suggestion  made to Mr. Rog was the proper course of  action to prevent occurrence of similar  situations.

Questions :

(a) Identify and discuss the core issue in  the case.

(b) Was management of the company  justified in implementing the  recommendations of Mr. Rog, in the  absence of proper report ?

(e)  How would you view the action of  Mr. Rog, if you were the M.D. of the  company ?

Friday, 16 November 2012 10:31

Ms-21 june 2007

MS-21    June, 2007



1. Describe  different  sources of  power  and  discuss its dynamics  in  an organisatioh,  with relevant  examples.

2.  What  is  motivation  ?  Discuss  the  Maslow's  and McClelland's  theories  of  motivation  and their  relevance  in the  present  day  context.

3. Discuss  the importance  of counselling  in  organisations  and discuss the  ethical  issues involved  in  counselling in organisations.

4-  Describe  various  roles  in  group process  and discuss  how group effectiveness  can  be increased.

5-  write  short  notes  on any three  of the following  :

(i)  Cross-culture  differences

(ii)  Role  of leader  in Team-Building

(iii)  Halo  effect  and  Stereotyping

(iv)  Barriers  to  communication

(v)  Process  of conflict


6-  Read  the following  case  carefully  and  answer  the questions given  at the end.

Anju  and  Ria  are  two  sisters  and the  daughters  of Mr.  o.P.  Sharma  and Shama  Sharma.  Mr.  Sharma  is a well  known  advocate  practising  in  Surat (Gujarat  State), while  shama  sharma  is  a  housewife.  Right  from childhood,  the two  sisters  had shown  different  personality traits.  Anju was  an introvert,  quiet,  did not  express  much

and  was  always  involved  in  doing  her  own  things.  By contrast Ria  was a  typical  extrovert  always  speaking her mind, bubbling  with enthusiasm,  sociable.  Though  Ria

was usually  the  centre  of  attraction  at  social  events  and gatherings,  Mr.  and Mrs. Sharma   never  differentiated  or favoured  any one child.  Mr. Sharma  was  very busy  in  his professional  life  and  so  management  of  the  house and family  was totally  Mrs. Sharma's  priority/concern. Mrs. Sharma  was  very clear  in  her belief  that  if  one wants  anything,  nothing  is  impossible  and  also nothing  can  come  in  the  way  of  achieving  that something.  Mrs. Sharma  was responsible  in  shaping  her childrens'  aspirations.  She  always  encouraged  her daughters  to  pursue  their  dreams  by  overcoming obstacles.  Anju completed  her M.Sc.  in Microbiology  and left  for  the  U.S.,  to  study  as a  research  scholar  in  her area  of  specialisation.  Ria  after  graduation,  did  her  M.B.A.  from  one  of  the  premier  institutes  and through campus recruitment  was  placed in  an  MNC  'TCOLEE LTD.'  This company  also  had  a competitive  culture  which suited Ria's  personality.  Her  former  colleagues  used to say  "Ria  was  unafraid  to  speak  her mind and always  had an  inner  drive  to  seek  greater  responsibilities  and promotions."  Recognising her  talent,  the  company promoted  her as  a team  facilitator,  within one and a half years,  and  sent her  to  their  Singap  ore branch, where 150 persons  were  employed.  Within a few  months  in  her new  position, Ria  realised  that  her  immediate  superior Rajesh's  personality  was very different from  that  of  her former  boss. Rajesh  believed  that  situations  determined behaviour  and  in  case  of  situational  requirement  would hire  persons  at  random and then  structure  the  situation accordingly.  As a result,  Ria noticed  that members  of  her team  were  finding  it  difficult  to  work  together.  She realised  that it  was  a classic  case  of  personality  conflict  as they (team  members)  didn't like  each  other and this could prove to  be disruptive

Ria called  the  team members  and gave  them  a  time frame  within which  they  had  to  work things  out. she was very  firm  when she  spoke  to  the team  members.  "l  have communicated  to  you  all  about  the  problems  your behaviour  is  causing,  but I  hope  you realise  that  the work has to  be  completed  in  the  required  time  irrespective  of how  you  get along."  But  even alter  another  six months,

    Ria  realised that  the  team  was  still  not  working  well together, the  productivity  was inadequate  and the  morale was  also  low.  Ria  thought  "l  know  I  have  to  do

something  because  it  is  affecting  their work.  "  After  a  lot of  introspection,  Ria decides  that  the  best  way of  solving the  problem  was  by  simply  dissolving  the  team  and placing  its  members elsewh  ere  rather  than  trying  to determine  who was right or  wrong.


(a)  What  could  be  the  key  determinants involved  in shaping  Ria's  personality  ?

(b)  There  is  a  popular  saying  'When  the  going  gets tough,  the tough  get going'.  In  Ria's  case,  what  are the  implications  of  the  goal  orientation exhibited, and why ?

(c)  If  you  are  asked  to  select  candidates  for  developing  a team at Ria's office,  what traits  will you look  out for in  prospective  employees  ? Why ?

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