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REFRIGERATION & AIR.CONDITIONING1 Answer any two of the following :(a) List some applications of air conditioning .(b) With a simple sketch explain the working of a vapour compression refrigeration system.(c) Explain briefly some applications for reciprocating and centrifugal compressors.2 Answer any two of the following :(a) What is the significance of the Carnot refrigerator ?What are the practical difficulties in devising a Carnot refrigerator ?(b) What is a Cascade Refrigeration System ? Compare this system with multistorage compression and evaporation3 What is the working substance in air conditioning? Would you call it a pure substance ? How do you calculate its molecular mass ?4 Answer any two of the following:(a) Define(i) Dew point temperature(ii) Dry bulb temperature(iii) Wet bulb temperature(b) What do you understund by marine relrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration ?(c) It is proposed to use a reversed Carnot engine as a refrigerator. The unit consumes10 kW power. If the COP is 3.5, determine the refrigeration capacity of the unit.5 Answer any two of the following::(a) What are the important Factors Which govern the choice of a r?frigerant?(b) How do tho following two.factors inflicnco the performance of a vapour-compressioni refngeration system?(1) Suction vapour- superheat(2) Liquid subcooling6 What are the difierent types of compressors ued in industry ? write in short working system of any one type of compressor?7 Define refrigerant. State desirable chemical propeeties of a good refrigetant?8 What are the differences between:(i) Refrigertion and Heat pump system(ii) Natural convection condenser and Forced air circulation condenser(iii) Primary and secondary refrigerants9 Write in brief on Comfort Air-conditioning?10 What do you understand by martine refrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration?11 What are the parameters required to be controlled for air conditioning ?12 How is summer air conditioning different from winter air conditioning ?13 What is the function of condenser in refrigeration system ? Write short notes on air cooled condenser.14 Define primary refrigerant. State thermodynamic properties of a good refrigerant?15 What are the factors contributing to food spoilage ?16 What are the different types of refrigeration systems used for refrigeration trucks and trailers ?17 How do the parts of an ammonia absorption system compare with those of a vapourcompression system ?18 What is ton of refrigeration ? List some applications of air conditioning.19 What do you understand by transport refrigeration ? What types of refrigeration systems are used for transport refrigeration ? Explain with examples.20 What are the various factors which are contributing to food spoilage ? List thecauses of food spoilage.21 What is refrigerating effect ? How refrigeration helps in the preservation offood products ?22 What are the temperature and humidity conditions required for the comfort airconditioning ? Explain.23 What is condenser ? What are the various types of condensers ? Explain working principle of water cooled condenser.24 What is a refrigerant ? List some common refrigerants. Also describe the various desirable properties of Refrigerants.25 What is a ceased refrigeration system ? Compare this system with multistage compression and evaporation systems.26 What are the conditions for Highest COP. Explain the effects on P-h diagram?27 What are different types of condensers used in refrigeration ? Explain the working of Evaporative condenser.28 What are the different types of Evaporators ? Explain in short any one type of Evaporator.29 Discuss the desirable thermodynamic, chemical and physical properties ofrefrigerants.?30 What are different steps in food preservation ?31 Describe various types of Freezers.?

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