Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects


TOURISM MARKETING1 Discuss the relevance of marketing in tourism Answer with examples?2 What do you understand by international tourism markets ? Mention about some tourism markets for India.3 Write an essay on socially responsible marketing Give examples also ?4 What do you understand by product designing in tourism ? Can every tourism resource be treated as a tourism product ?5 What is marketing ? How would you make a marketing plan for a travel agency ?6 Discuss the emerging trends in domestic tourism?7 What do you mean by marketing research ? Why is it important in tourism business ?8 "Tourism will not flourish unless local bodies are involved in the profit sharing". Comment ?9 Write a note on social marketing ?10 Describe tourism product. What elements should you consider while designing a tourism product ?11 Discuss the 4 P's of Marketing Mix. Why do we need a fifth 'P' (People) ?12 "India is a paradise for Culture lovers". As a marketer how can you get advantage of this perception ?13 Discuss the challenges and problems faced by the tourists in the sphere of accommodation?14 Discuss the functions of a tour operator ?15 Discuss the main features of the tourism marketing. How would you make a plan for atravel agency ? Explain.16 What do you mean by market segmentation ? Discuss the basis for segmentation in tourism marketing.17 What are the strategic options available to a marketeer to fight the competition ? Discuss.18 Discuss the importance of technology in tourism trade?19 What aspects would you consider important while developing a tourist transport product ?20 What is alternative accofiunodation ? Discuss the salient features of alternative accommodation.21 What is Destination Marketing ? Suggest a marketing strategy to market India22 Write a note on trade fares and travel marts?.23 What are the components of Tourism marketing Explain ?24 Discuss the Concept of socially Responsible Marketing applicable to tourism business ?25 "Marketing starts with consumer and ends with consumer". Discuss with special reference to tourism business?26 Why market segmentation is important ? Discuss the basis of market segmentation.27 Discuss the major foreign tourist generating markets for India?28 "Cuisine has a prominent role in tourism promotion". Discuss ?29 Discuss the role of events and activities in tourism marketing ?30 "Marketing Research (MR) is the key to success".Discuss the statement in the changing scenario How MR helps the business man ?31 Write short notes on any two about 300 words each :(a) Public organisations(b)Role of Local Bodies(c) Role of NGOs(d) Social marketing32 Describe the contents of tourism marketing mix?33 What are FAM Tours ? Discuss the importance of FAM tours in tourism industry.34 Discuss the role of commissions in tourism marketing ?

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