Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT  QUESTION BANK Q1. Why should an organisation introduce a grievance procedure ? Explain the pre-requisites      of a grievance procedure briefly outline  the features  of a grievance procedure and the steps in grievance handling. Or Briefly outline the features of a grievan
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR  QUESTION BANK Q1.(a). In Human Relations Movement, according to Fred Luthans three major events took place, describe these with suitable examples. (b).  Define Organizational Behaviour, what are the basic assumptions, which you come across during the study of this subject. Q2.      (a).&n
  Strategic Management  question bank Q1.  Why should a company have Mission  Statement  ?  Discuss its role and functions.  Give examples of mission statements in relation to any three of the following organisations: A corporate hospital in the private sector A specialised professional educational and training in
Industrial relations  question bank Q.1. (i)  Explain the  determinants  of  union management relations.  Suggest with the help of an example measures for improving union management relations in organisations. (ii)   Describe the influence of International Labour Organisation (ILO) on industrial relations sys
ecurity and portfolio management Q 1 Analyse the role of Self-regulation in Indian Securities Market. Between the Self-regulation and Legislative regulation, which is more relevant for  India  and why? Q 2  Most of the technical indicators make sense when viewed individually but when one examines many technical indicators simultaneou
International Financial management   Q.1 Answer the following  questions : (a) Define exposure, differentiating between accounting and economic exposure. (b) Describe at least three circumstances under which economic exposure is likely to exist. (c ) Of What relevance are the International Fisher effect and purchasing power panty to you a
Management of financial services   Q.1 Discuss the Economic and Financial functions of  the Financial  Market? explain the role played by the reserve bank  of  India  in regulating  the money  market in  India . Q.2 Explain the  financial activities  which come in the ambit of merchant Banking?
Employment Relations  question Bank         Q.1Explain various approaches of grievance resolution. Describe the role of HR department in grievance  redressal  procedure in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Discuss the advantages of formal mechanism of grievance redressal. Briefly de
Business Environment   Q. 1.  Define environment and explain various critical elements of macro-economic environment Also examine the interaction between economic and non-economic environment. Q.2. Explain the trends in industrial policy in  India .  What measures have been taken recently to liberate the industry  from exce
Principles of Management  Question bank   Q. 1. What is `management' ? Discuss the importance of management in modern business organisations. Or Define 'management'. What is the importance of management in today's business world ? Or "Management is the ordering and coordinating of functions and of the men fulfilling these functions in ord
  Managerial Economics  Question bank   Q. 1 Define Management Economic. Discuss the nature and scope of Managerial economics. Q.3 What do you mean by discriminating monopoly. Explain the price and output determination is discriminating monopoly. Q. 4 Write short  note on:- (i)        Oppo
Consumer behaviour  Question Bank   Q.1      Briefly explain the  VAL  II lifestyles approach. How in your view is this explanation of         lifestyles segments useful in development of  marketing strategy ? Q.2      How does the kno
Materials Management  questions bank 1. "Management synchronises with the control of very systems, procedures, methods, techniques and tools. and materials which are truly effective  instruments  in serving the enterprise." Is it really so ? Discuss the Statement in the light of the statement. Your emphasis should be on 'Management i
1. Briefly discuss the importance of IT in retail industry and discuss the various applications of IT  in retail sector? 2. What do you mean by Global  data synchronization ? Name three benefits of the system and give few example applications and information sources for organizational retail portal. 3. What is RFID? Explain its importance
TOP RETAIL MANAGEMENT  QUESTIONS 1.   What can be the various factors that effect the finance planning in a retailing business? Explain with  examples 2. What are the  specifications  that .make retail business different from any other line of business? 3. Can you map the various phases through which an organisation go
Management information system part 2 very important guess (51) What is the most common form of IT enabled organizational change? (52) Which form of organizational change requires business processes to be analyzed simplified and redesign? (53) When outsourcing should be used by the organizations? (54) How Information systems can contribute for 
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT  QUESTION BANK   PART 1  (1) What strategies can be used to desynchronize production and consumption in case of services? (2) How can one compensate for the absence of inventory to meet demand fluctuations in case of services? (3) Suggest some ways to make distribution possible in  case of the  impos
SUPPLY CHAIN  MANAGEMENT  QUESTION BANK   PART II (37) As a  warehouse manager  list out your duties from receiving the goods to its delivery to the manufacturer or to the end consumer? (38) The  most common  method for evaluating non-economic factors in a facility location study is to use a scoring model Why? Jus
SUPPLY CHAIN  MANAGEMENT  QUESTION BANK  PART IV (107) Explain the interfacing between logistics and functional members of the supply chain , with examples? (108) Logistics is a strategic resource; discuss the same in the global context? (109) Explain global sourcing and its  advantages and disadvantages . How can you arrive at
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (1)It is said, Information and communication are most of the time complementary and sometimes supplementary  to each other. Elaborate! (2)What do you understand by  competitiveness  of ICT? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities. (3) What are the ha
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