Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

  Product Management Question BANK   Q 1 Discuss the role of product manager in the fast changing marketing environment of today.    Q 2 What are the major reasons for firms undertaking portfolio analysis. How would you use the case quadrant approach to balance the product portfolio of a multiproduct company? Illustrate by taking the example of an
    Research Methodology Question Bank   Q1 .What is "Primary Data" collection ? What are different major areas of measurement ? Q. 2  What is observation in Primary Data Collection ? Or What are the main merits and demerits of observation methods of collecting information. Q. 3. What is a questionnaire? What are different types of questionnaire? O
    Research Methodology Question Bank   Q1 .What is "Primary Data" collection ? What are different major areas of measurement ? Q. 2  What is observation in Primary Data Collection ? Or What are the main merits and demerits of observation methods of collecting information. Q. 3. What is a questionnaire? What are different types
  Top Financial Management question Bank     1. Contrast the salient features of the traditional and modern approaches to financial management. 2. Discuss the three broad areas of financial decision making. 3. What is the justification for the goal of maximising the wealth of shareholders ? 4. Discuss the functions performed by the financial system
  Top Financial Management question Bank     1. Contrast the salient features of the traditional and modern approaches to financial management. 2. Discuss the three broad areas of financial decision making. 3. What is the justification for the goal of maximising the wealth of shareholders ? 4. Discuss the functions performed by the financial system
  HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT "Human Resource Management is a staff function but a line responsihility". Comment. "Effective management of human resources is essential for the prosperity and welfare of an organisation, a society and a nation". In the light of this statement, describe the role of human resource management. "Management of personnel is
  HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT "Human Resource Management is a staff function but a line responsihility". Comment. "Effective management of human resources is essential for the prosperity and welfare of an organisation, a society and a nation". In the light of this statement, describe the role of human resource management. "Management of personnel is
    Human resource development   Q.1.   Explain role of Change Agents in establishing sound HRD Practices in organisations.  Describe any two HRD Practices useful in potential development   Q.2. Describe the role of Line Mangers as well as of HRD Managers in developing self-renewing capabilities in an organisation.  How can managers help employees
    Human resource development   Q.1.   Explain role of Change Agents in establishing sound HRD Practices in organisations.  Describe any two HRD Practices useful in potential development   Q.2. Describe the role of Line Mangers as well as of HRD Managers in developing self-renewing capabilities in an organisation
  HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Q.1.  “A training plan should contain all the information necessary for management to make decisions for implementing the training programme.”  Elaborate the statement and discuss the underlying concept. Q.2.  Distinguish between job ranking and job classification (or grade description)  as methods for job evaluation.  Exp
  HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Q.1.  “A training plan should contain all the information necessary for management to make decisions for implementing the training programme.”  Elaborate the statement and discuss the underlying concept. Q.2.  Distinguish between job ranking and job classification (or grade description)  as methods for job evaluation.  Exp
  Advanced Strategic Management 1.         What are the various approaches to the corporate management and which one is the best in Indian environment?  Give illustrations.   2.         Identify the various modes of entry Ranbaxy Laboratories has adopted in different regions and discuss the pros and cons of each mode of entry.   3.         How does
  Advanced Strategic Management 1.         What are the various approaches to the corporate management and which one is the best in Indian environment?  Give illustrations.   2.         Identify the various modes of entry Ranbaxy Laboratories has adopted in different regions and discuss the pros and cons of each mode of entry.   3.         How does
  Management control system Q.1 (a)"In an organization, control involves a variety of functions. What are these functions ? Briefly describe he there-tier spectrum of organizational planning and control. (b) "The concept of responsibility is a logical extension oil the idea of delegation of responsibiiity and authority for elective management contr
  Management control system Q.1 (a)"In an organization, control involves a variety of functions. What are these functions ? Briefly describe he there-tier spectrum of organizational planning and control. (b) "The concept of responsibility is a logical extension oil the idea of delegation of responsibiiity and authority for elective management contr
    Business Statistics top short questions Comment: “Mean is unbiased estimator and standard deviation is a biased estimator”. Comment: “Poisson is a limiting form of Binomial distribution. "The value of index can be obtained with the help of different methods, but that method is the best which satisfies Time Reversal' and factor 'reversal test'.
    Business Statistics top short questions Comment: “Mean is unbiased estimator and standard deviation is a biased estimator”. Comment: “Poisson is a limiting form of Binomial distribution. "The value of index can be obtained with the help of different methods, but that method is the best which satisfies Time Reversal' and factor 'revers
  Management Information System     Q.1.   Define in your own words a database, database management system, database administration and a database machine.   What are the most important advantages of databases over conventional file processing systems?  Explain with the help of examples.   Q.2  What is ‘what-if’ analysis in spreadsheet application?
  Management Information System     Q.1.   Define in your own words a database, database management system, database administration and a database machine.   What are the most important advantages of databases over conventional file processing systems?  Explain with the help of examples.   Q.2  What is ‘what-if’ analysis in spreadsheet application?
  Management of Machines and Materials Q.1  (a)   Explain different types of production systems giving suitable examples. (b)   Elaborate various situations which lead to a study of facility location. Give examples. Q.2.  (a)   Discuss basic Material Handling Systems giving their area of application.  List the objectives of material handling. (b)  
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