Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

MS-11   june, 2010 MS-11 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1. Describe any two types of organisation structures and relate their significance to restructuring. Explain with suitable examples. 2. Discuss the current trends in the study of work organisation and their effect on the work culture. 3. Describe Questionnaire as a t
MS-10   june, 2011 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1. Identify the key factors which affect the Organisational Design ? Briefly discuss the principles of a good Organisational Design. Explain with examples. 2. Distinguish between the Functional and Product Organisation, and Line and Staff Organisation. Discuss their
MS-10   Dec, 2007 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1.Describe the meaning and characteristics of an organisation. DisCuss Mintzberg's theory and its relevance in the existing business scenario. 2. what are the objectives and issues involved in quality of work life ? Describe the aspects which have to be included in qu
MS-10   Dec, 2008 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1. What are the key factors which affect Organization Design, examples ? describe briefly with examples 2. Identify the main considerations in preparing a questionnaire and collecting data ? Describe the dimensions which can be diagnosed through questionnaire, citing
MS-10   Dec, 2009 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE   1. Describe recent trends in work organisations and their effect on employees. 2. Discuss the factors affecting organisational design and their relevance with suitable examples. 3. Describe any two OD interventions and their advantages. 4. Describe and explain
  MS-10   Dec, 2011 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1. Discuss the meaning and characteristics of an organisation. Briefly discuss various approaches to understanding organisations. 2. Describe the evolutionary process of organisational design. Briefly discuss the contingency model of organisation design, with s
MS-9   June , 2009 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1. a) Explain in brief the opportunity cost principle. Give examples in support of your answer. b) What is a Production Possibility Curve (PPC) ? Explain how it reflects the opportunity cost principle. 2. Explain briefly the following give examples : a) Expert opinion b) Surveys c) Market exp
MS-9   June , 2007 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1.Differentiate between 5 types of rnarket using the following characteristics : (a) Number of independent sellers b) seller concentration c) Product differentiation (d) Conditions of entry 2.Describe the various types of price discrimination. Is price discrimination a characteristic of monop
MS-9   June , 2008 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1. Explain why the average cost curve is U-shaped. The long run average cost curve is always an envelope of short run average cost curves. Discuss. 2. Explain the equilibrium of a firm by using the marginal cost and marginal revenue curves. Why is the firm under perfect competition described
MS-9   June , 2010 MS-9 : Managerial economics   1. (a) Discuss the Laws of Returns to scale and describe the three stages of returns to scale. (b) Explain why Marginal Product (MP) is greater than (less than) Average Product (AP) when AP is rising (falling). 2. Write notes on any four : a) Tastes and preferences as determinants of d
MS-9   June , 2011 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1. "The opportunity cost of anything is the return that can be had from the next best alternative use". Elucidate the statement with reference to the opportunity cost principle applied in agricultural sector. 2.The demand function is written as Qd= F (Po, Pc, Ps, Yd, T, A, CR, R, E, N, 0) Des
MS-9   Dec, 2007 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1. What is the basic objective of a firm ? Distinguish between 'Accounting Profit and 'Economic Profit' with the help of an illustration. 2. What do you understand by demand forecasting while describing the regression method of demand forecasting explain why it is important for the firm to fore
MS-9   Dec, 2008 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1. Explain the concept of price elasticity of demand and the relationship between price elasticity, total revenue and marginal revenue 2. Show graphical derivation of MP and AP curves from the total product function. Show also the three stages of production. What economic purpose do the stages
MS-9   Dec, 2009 MS-9 : Managerial economics   1. Distinguish between profit maximisation and value maximisation giving examples. 2 (a) Briefly explain the concept of price elasticity of demand giving suitable examples. (b) What are the determinants of price elasticity ? Explain giving examples. 3. Write short notes on the following
MS-9   Dec, 2010 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1. (a) Discuss the relation between the average product, marginal product and total product in the short run. (b) How do these support the application of the law of variable proportion to the firm ? Give example. 2. (a) Why is the long run average cost curve called an "envelope curve" ? (b) Bus
MS-9   Dec, 2011 MS-9 : Managerial economics 1. One of the most significant business and economic trends of the late twentieth century is the rise of 'global' or 'stateless'. Corporation critically comment on the statement taking examples from the real world firms. 2. (a) Discuss the concept and features of monopolistic competition giving
MS-8   june, 2007 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS 1.Distinguish between decision making under certainty and decision making under uncertainty. Mention certain methods for solving decision problems under uncertainty. Discuss how these methods can be applied to solve decision problems. 2. Use Cramer's rule for a 3 x
MS-8   june, 2008 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS What factors       in modern society contribute to  the increasing importance of quantitative approach to  management ? List one applicaticn of quantitative techniques in each functional area of  management. 2. The demand for a certain
MS-8   june, 2009 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS 1. An analysis of the hourly wages paid to workers in two firms A and B belonging to the same industry gives the following results : Firm A Firm B Number of wage earner 586 648 Average hourly   wage 52.5 47.5 Variance of the distribution of wage 100 121 2. Whi
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