Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

MS-8   june, 2010 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS 1. A car is purchased for Rs. 300,000. If the depreciation for the first three years is at 10% per annum and for the next two years is at 20% per annum, then calculate the depreciated value of the car at the end of five years. 2. Units A, B, C of a factory manufact
MS-8   june, 2011 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS You are given the frequency distribution of 292       workers of a factory according to their average weekly income. Calculate quartile deviation and its coefficient from the following data :   Weekly Income (Rs.) No. of workers Below 1350 8 135
MS-8   Dec, 2007 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS 1. Distinguish between decision making under certainty and decision making under uncertainty. Mention certain methods for solving decision problems under uncertainty. Discuss how these methods can be applied to solve decision problems. 2. Use Cramer's rule for a 3 x
MS-8   Dec, 2008 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS l. Explain Hypothesis testing . What are the steps involved in hypothesis testing ? Discuss the two types of .errors in testing of hypothesis 2. A telephone company in a town has 1000 subscribers on its list and collects a fixed charge of Rs. 400 per subscriber per
MS-8   Dec, 2009 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS 1.The following data describes the age at which employees reach to the level of 'senior manager in a multinational company Age in years Below 34.5 34.5-37.5 37.5-40.5 40.5-43.5 Over 43.5 No of people reaching the leve 14 60 95 24 7 Find the quartile deviation.  
MS-8   Dec, 2011 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS 1. What do you understand by a continuous frequency distribution ? Explain various terms that are frequently used in a frequency distribution. Also highlight the difference in inclusive and exclusive methods of classes. 2. Consider the following matrix of transition
MS-7   june, 2007 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS   1. (a) Define Information Technology. Describe various types of information systems. Give example of each type of information system in order to differentiate Between them. (b) What is an Operating System ? Describe various activities performed by a typical operating system.
MS-7   june, 2008 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS   1. Information technology has been used in every business and for every function of a business. Contextualize a business perspective of IT by discussing some applications of IT. 2. Highlight the relationship beh,veen data & information and information & knowledge. Di
MS-7   june, 2009 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) What is Network Topology ? Briefly describe different types of Network Topologies. (b) Distinguish between Internet and Intranet. 2. (a) Define MIS. \Mhat are the determinants of MIS design according to Zaru ? (b) What are the main reasons for success and failure of an infor
MS-7   june, 2010 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS   1(a) What are operating systems ? Describe the functions of operating system. (b) Describe the Open Systems Interconnection Reference model (OSI model). Briefly discuss its seven layers. 2(a) Explain the modified Leavitt's model of an organisation as a socio - technical syst
MS-7   june, 2011 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS   1. (a) What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system ? What are the major components of such a system ? How does it help the decision making process ? (b ) What are the various types of networks ? Write a detailed note on the advantages of networks. 2. (a)
MS-7   Dec, 2007 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS   1. (a) Define Inforrnation Technology (lT) and discuss the advancements in the field of IT. (b) What is Open Systems Interconnection Reference model (OSI model) ? Describe the seven layers of OSI model. 2. (a) What are various methods of assessing the value of information ? E
MS-7   Dec, 2008 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) Define the Internet, Intranet and E-Commerce. Discuss the advantages of E-Commerce over conventional business. (b) Describe the main components of a network including hardware and software. 2. (a) Discuss the objectives and process of computer aided decision support system. &
MS-7   Dec, 2009 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS 1(a) Briefly discuss the various components of a computer system. (b) What are various types of computer ? 2(a) What are multi-tasking and time-sharing systems in computer ? (b) Describe different generations of programming languages and their characteristics. 3. (a) Distinguish bet
MS-7   Dec, 2010 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) Define the Internet, Intranet and E-Commerce. Write a note on E-Commerce by citing the advantages of E-Commerce over conventional business. (b) Write a detailed note on plug-and-play devices. 2. (a) What are the main types of software ? Write a detailed note on the advantages
MS-7   Dec, 2011 MS-7 : INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) Discuss the 'rational individual models' of decision making. What are the implications of these models to information system analysts ? (b) "The way organisations cannot exist without MIS, even information does not exist without organisation." Discuss. 2. (a) "Management Stor
MS-6   june, 2007 MS-6 : Marketing for managers 1.   Explain the various segmentation bases used by rnarketers, with suitable illustrations. Suggest suitable segmentation basis for the following, giving reasons : (i) Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV) (ii) Contact lenses 2. (a) How does the Product Life Cycle (PLC) influence the ma
MS-6   june, 2008 MS-6 : Marketing for managers 1. (a) Distinguish Product Marketing and Services Marketing, giving suitable examples (b) A company desires to enter the packaged fruit juice market. Discuss the Market Research process to be followed to study the consumer attitude towards the packaged fruit juices. 2. (a) Discuss the stages
MS-6   june, 2009 MS-6 : Marketing for managers   1.What is Social Marketing ? Explain Social Marketing in terms of its objectives and the applicability of the 4Ps, giving suitable examples. 2.(a) What is Marketing Research ? Discuss its relevance in the field of Marketing. (b) Briefly explain the various steps in marketing research
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