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Saturday, 17 November 2012 14:29

Ms-23 june 2007

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MS-23    june-2007


1. Describe  the  transformational  process  as  a  result  of  social, economic,  organisational,  and  technological  changes  at the work  place. Discuss  the  contemporary  trends in  demand and supply  of  labour,  with suitable  examples

2.  Discuss  the  significance  of  dislocation  and  the  problems associated  with  it.  What  are  the  solutions  to  deal  with dislocated  employees  ? Discuss  with examples.

3.  Discuss  various  objectives  of Performance  Appraisal.  Briefly describe  various  methods  of  Performance  Appraisal.

4.  Discuss  the  rationale  and objectives  of  orientation.  What are the  essential  contents  of  orientation, and  how  is  it evaluated  ? Explain  with suitable  examples.

5.  Write short  notes  an any  three of  the following  :

(i)  Cost  Approach to  Human Resource  Accounting

(ii)  Demand  Forecasting

(iii)  Competency  Mapping

(iv)  Executive  Search

(v)  Career  Planning

Read 5397 times Last modified on Saturday, 17 November 2012 14:31
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