Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

Sunday, 06 December 2015 05:48


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1. Answer the following in about 600 words :
What is project work ? How will you organise project work in teaching Social Studies at 
Secondary school level ? Discuss with example.

2. Differentiate between evaluation of cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes in Social Studies. Discuss briefly the major tools used for evaluating these outcomes.

3. Answer the following in about 600 words :
Discuss various causes of Environmental 
Degradation. Develop an instructional strategy on Environmental Degradation, specifying main teaching points, instructional objectives, and instructional activities.

4. Discuss various sectors of Indian economy and their relationship. Develop an instructional strategy on this topic specifying teaching points, instructional objectives and instructional activities.
5. Write short 
answers of the following in about 150 words each :

(i) Differentiate between integrated and inter-disciplinary approaches to teaching Social Studieswith examples.
(ii) Which one of the group-directed instructional techniques will you use to teach `Impact of Globalisation on Indian economy', and why ?
(iii) What media will you use to teach `Comparative CIimate of New Delhi and Chennai during Winter season' ? Illustrate your answer.
(iv) Discuss briefly development in Science and Technology during the Ancient and Medieval period. What method/s would you follow to teach this content at Secondary level ?
(v) Discuss the purposes of student evaluation in Social Studies.
(vi) Discuss instructional planning you will carry out for introducing 'Indus Valley Civilization'.
Discuss briefly assessment procedures to be followed for the content `Freedom and Equality'.

6. During teaching Social Studies in class-room you must have developed a unit plan. Select any unit from that and illustrate the unit plan consisting of
(a) Sub-units in the unit
(b) Corresponding teaching points to sub-units
(c) Specific instructional objectives
(d) Methods/approaches to be adopted
(e) Appropriate media selected

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Explain the significance of Social Studies in Secondary School curriculum. Discuss the factors which influence decision-making in Social Studies curriculum.

2.Discuss with example how lecture method is used in teaching of Social Studies. Point out the difficulties faced by a teacher during various steps while teaching through lecture method.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words
Suppose you have to teach growth of Indus Valley Civilization, develop instructional objectives in behavioural terms, instructional procedure for major teaching concepts/contents and test items to test teaching outcomes of the test.

4. Explain the concept of `totality of environment'. Develop an instructional strategy on it including teaching points, specific instructional objectives, instructional activities and evaluation 

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each
(i) Discuss the Questioning Skill, Explain how would you use it in the teaching of Social Studies by giving suitable examples.
(ii) Discuss various process skills that a Social Studies teacher needs to develop in his students.
(iii) What are non-cognitive outcomes in Social Studies ? How can a teacher assess these outcomes ?
(iv) Briefly describe the measures to conserve our natural resources. Which instructional methods and media would you use to teach this content ?
(v) Mention various sectors of the Indian economy. What kind of instructional inputs would you provide for teaching this ?
(vi) Discuss the meaning and causes of environmental degradation. Suggest the appropriate group-directed instructional method to teach the content.
(vii) Discuss briefly the impact of British rule on educational development in India. What kind of Information and 
Communication Technology (1CT) will you use to teach this content and why ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
You are asked by your Principal to develop a 
question paper of Class VIII in Social Studies for the annual examination. Prepare a detailed plan mentioning different activities you will carry out while developing the question paper.


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Explain individualised instruction. Discuss with examples individualised instructional methods used in teaching of Social Studies.

2. Define `Social Studies' as a field of knowledge. Discuss learning outcomes expected of the teaching-learning activities in Social Studies.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss the meaning of geographical discoveries. Select a suitable topic and ' develop an instructional strategy mentioning content points, instructional objectives in behavioural terms, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.
4. Discuss the ideals of the Indian Nation enshrined in its Constitution. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this mentioning content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :

(i) Describe professional and personal qualities a Social Studies teacher ought to possess.
(ii) How can you utilise the expertise of a guest speaker effectively in Social Studies class ? Explain.
(iii) Differentiate between numerical marking system and grading system. Which one would you prefer in assessing student performance in Social Studies ? Justify your answer.
(iv) Differentiate between the terms - `latitudes' and `longitudes'. What 
communication media would you use to bring out their differences ?
(v) What are different forms of occupations ? Develop four 
multiple choice type items on this content.
(vi) What methods and media would you 
adopt to explain the main features of Indian economy ?
(vii) What is a diagnostic test ? Explain its use in the teaching of Social Studies by giving suitable examples.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
During teaching in schools, you might have come across certain difficult topics to be learnt by students. How did you teach them ? Illustrate the lesson plan for them in detail.

1. Answer the following question in about 690 words :
Discuss with examples how demonstration method can be used in teaching of Social Studies. Point out the difficulties faced by a teacher during various steps while teaching through demonstration method.

2. Discuss the role of instructional media in teaching Social Studies. Justify your answer by giving suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What do you understand by Geographical Discoveries ? Mention the events which helped in geographical discoveries and discuss their effects

4. Describe the purpose and various aspects of evaluation in Social Studies.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) What do you understand by Brain-Storming technique ? How can a teacher use it in leaching ofSocial Studies ?
(ii) Briefly discuss the influence of political factors on cultural development.
(iii) Explain the basic features of Indian Economy.
(iv) Discuss in brief the effects of Industrial Revolution on the environment.
(v) Describe in brief the reasons for the decline of Harappan culture.
(vi) Explain the impact of liberal ideas of the West in British India"

(vii) What are the advantages of commerclalizing animal rearing ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Suppose you had visited the nearby community alongwith your students to know the opinion of people about the impact of population, poverty and employment on the Indian Economy. What conclusions did you infer ?

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Explain the. significance of media in teaching of Social Studies. Discuss the media used frequently in teaching of Social Studies, with examples.

2. Differentiate between cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes. Discuss various forms of test items for cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes with examples from Social Studies.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss social life and economic conditions prevailing during Indus Valley Civilization. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items. 
4. Discuss major types of climate of India. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :

(i) Discuss the factors taken into consideration while organising Social Studies curriculum.
(ii) Explain with examples how questioning skill can be used in teaching Social Studies.
(iii) Differentiate between a unit plan and a lesson plan.
(iv) How can continuous and comprehensive evaluation be implemented in Social Studies ? Explain.
(v) Discuss methods and media to introduce the concept of cultural heritage of India.

(vi) What is the need of maintaining environmental balance ? How can you explain it to your students ?
(vii) What are the different types of soils found in India ? Construct four multiple-choice items to test students' understanding of Indian soils.

(viii) What are the various indicators of economic development ? How can you teach this topic to your students ?


6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
- Suppose you had organised project work in teaching of Social Studies. Discuss the stages of organising project .work namely
(i) Planning of the project work
(ii) Implementation of the project work
(iii) Evaluation of the project work

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Differentiate between `Social Studies' and `Social Sciences'. Discuss various competencies required of an effective Social Studies teacher.

2. What is a lecture ? Discuss with examples the steps of organising lecture in the teaching of Social Studies.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss briefly the major supporting structures which constitute the economic structure of Indian Economy. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning main content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

4. Explain environmental degradation and its various causes. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning main content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Briefly elaborate the significance of discussion as a method of teaching Social Studies and also mention the various skills required to participate in discussion.
(ii) Discuss various areas which are taken into account while planning instruction in Social Studies.
(iii) Discuss various types of charts and mention their use in teaching Social Studies, with examples.
(iv) Explain the significance and steps of demonstration in teaching of Social Studies, with examples.
(v) What methods and media would you use to teach art and architecture of ancient India "?

(vi) What are the main teaching points of the topic `Growth of Education and its impact' during the British rule in India ? Formulate instructional objectives for the same teaching points.

(vii) What are major physical divisions of India ? Discuss the instructional media you will use to teach the contents.

(viii) Discuss the teaching-learning activities you will plan to teach conservation of natural resources.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Suppose you had developed a Question paper in Social Studies for Class IX. Discuss the various steps you followed in the development of the Question paper.

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