Ms-52 question bank (6)
Ms-52 question bank
MS 52 JUNE 2015
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMANAGEMENT PROGRAMME
C Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. (a)Briefly describe the three distinct phases of the development process through which a
typical project goes.
(b) What is the need of demand forecasting ? Discuss various levels of demand forecasting.
2.(a) Explain the concept of Total slack, Free slackand Independent slack. Also give formula
for their computation.
(b) Justify the statement :"Meticulous management of activities on the critical path is crucial to completing projects on time".
3. (a) What is a matrix organisation ? What are the advantages of this organisation design
when used for Project Management ?
(b) "Effective management of materials and equipment play a vital role in Project
Management". Comment !
4. (a) How can computers help in monitoring and control of projects ? Discuss.
(b) Describe the objectives of commissioning of projects. Name two ways of handling
commissioning in large organisations. How are Cybernetics concepts applied in
Project Management ? Explain.Mention some of the pre-requisites for asuccessful project.
Ms-52 December 2009 Project Management
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2009
Ms-52 : Project Management
1. A project schedule has the following characteristics :
Activity |
Time |
Activity |
Time |
1 – 2 |
4 |
5 – 6 |
4 |
1 – 3 |
1 |
5 – 7 |
8 |
2 – 4 |
1 |
6 – 8 |
1 |
3 – 4 |
1 |
7 – 8 |
2 |
3 – 5 |
6 |
8-10 |
5 |
4 – 9 |
5 |
9-10 |
7 |
(a) Draw the Project Network.
(b) Find out the critical path and activities.
(c) Explain the importance of critical path in a project.
(d) Determine the total float for each activity.
2. (a) What are the phases of a project development cycle ? Give the salient tasks under each phase.
(b) What are the different levels of forecasting and their respective role in decision making ?
3.(a) What are the traditional methods of financial evaluation of the projects ? Why are they considered deficient ? Explain.
(b) Explain the do's and don'ts of a good detailed project report.
4.(a) How does management of projects with the aid of network analysis help in the design and procurement of materials and equipment in line with the priorities ?
(b) Explain the various methods of resource allocation for the management of projects.
5.(a) "Costing is a guestimate and pricing is a strategy". Elaborate.
(b) What are the different organization structures recommended for project organisations and what are their advantages and disadvantages ?
6.(a) What is the role of project cost estimates in defining the total scope of a project ?
(b) Lean and Virtual organisations cannot function without empowerment. Explain.
7.(a) Explain briefly the process of managing transition from project to operation.
(b) Explain the importance of "Project Review" in the context of control of a project.
Ms-52 June 2010 Project Management
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2010
MS-52 : Project Management
1. What are some aspects of the project manager's job that make it more demanding than the job of a manager working in a more routine organisational framework ? Justify your answer with suitable examples.
2. A large number of project - management softwares have been developed to facilitate and control various projects of all kinds. How can Microsoft Project/Primavera Project Planner help with variety of scheduling and costing of tasks ?
3. Technology and processes play crucial role in certain projects. What are the key issues in regards to choice of technology, equipment and processes at the stage of formulation of DPR ?
4. A good team-work speeds up project implementation. Developing self directed project
teams is the key to improving effectiveness in project management. Elucidate.
5. (a) A firm uses simple exponential smoothing with a=0.1 to forecast demand. The forecast for the week of February 1 was 500 units, whereas actual demand turned out to be 450 units.
(i) Forecast the demand for the week of February 8.
(ii) Assume that the actual demand during the week of February 8 turns out to be 505 units. Forecast the demand for the week of February 15.
(b) The moving - average forecast and actual demand for a hospital drug are as shown in the accompanying table. Compute the MAD, and the tracking signal.
Month |
Actual Demand |
Forecast Demand |
27 |
71 |
78 |
28 |
80 |
75 |
29 |
101 |
83 |
30 |
84 |
84 |
31 |
60 |
88 |
32 |
73 |
85 |
6. The details of activities of a construction project are given below. Draw a network and determine job project completion time, critical activities and total float for each activity.
Activity |
Predecessor |
Duration (days) |
A |
- |
14 |
B |
A |
15 |
C |
B |
25 |
D |
A |
20 |
E |
D |
12 |
F |
A |
9 |
G |
F |
21 |
H |
G |
24 |
I |
C |
16 |
J |
B,I |
18 |
K |
H |
20 |
L |
K |
6 |
M |
E |
8 |
N |
J,C |
7 |
P |
M,G |
10 |
7. Write short notes (any four) :
(a) Cybernetics
(b) TQM in Projects
(c)Integrated cost/schedule graph
(d) Task Force Concept
(e) Project Scheduling
(f) Environment Impact Assessment.
Ms-52 June 2011 Project Management
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2011
Ms-52 : Project Management
1. (a) Distinguish between Project and production management giving examples. Identify the critical success factors in project management.
(b) Elaborate the concept of opportunity studies in project management. How do they affect project feasibility studies ?
2. (a) Explain the errors in demand forecasting. How can we optimise the conflicting factors of cost and accuracy of demand forecasting ?
(b) "Decisions made during the design phase have major impact on the entire life - cycle
of a protect." - Justify with reasoning.
3. (a) Compare and contrast product organization structure with project organization structure.
(b) Elaborate your understanding about Integrated project management information system. Give an example of capital shutdown of boiler or turbine of thermal power plant.
4. (a) Discuss the process of planning and controlling materials and equipment through contracting.
(b) Explain FEEDFORWARD control in Project Management. Differentiate this from feedback control.
5. (a) Identify the factors affecting the control of project cost. Also give brief idea of PERT COST system.
(b) Discuss the prevalent quality control method in project management.
6. The project related information is given below :
Task |
1-2 |
2-3 |
2- 4 |
3 -4 |
3 -5 |
4-6 |
5-8 |
Time (Weeks) |
2 |
7 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
Task |
6 – 7 |
7 – 9 |
8 – 9 |
6-10 |
9- 10 |
Time (Weeks) |
8 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
7 |
(a) Draw the network diagram
(b) Identify the critical path
(c) Calculate the Project completion time
(d) Calculate the total float of all activities.
Ms-52 December 2012 Project Management
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2012
Ms-52 : Project Management
1. The following information is given of a project :
Activity : |
1215 23243646565 76878 |
Time (Months : |
4 2 2 6 3 9 5 7 1 10 |
(a) Draw the Project diagram.
(b) Determine the project completion time.
(c) Identify the critical path and activities.
(d) Calculate the total float of each activity.
(e) Explain the difference between total float and slack.
2. (a) Elaborate your understanding about Pre-feasibility study of industrial project.
(b) What are different levels of forecasting ? Also explain the errors in demand forecasting.
3. (a) Discuss briefly the various methods of economic analysis of projects.
(b) "Projects should be formulated primarily to meet the needs and wants of customers ."Highlight the importance of market analysis in project management.
4. (a) Discuss the various methods of resource allocation in any project.
(b) What is matrix organisation ? Explain its advantages and disadvantages in project management.
5. (a) Elaborate your understanding regarding management of contracting for materials and equipment in project environment.
(b) Explain the factors affecting the control of project cost.
6. (a) Describe the objectives, planning procedure and organisation structure required for commissioning of projects.
(b) Explain how cybernetics concepts applied to project management.
Ms-52 June 2013 Project Management
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2013
Ms-52 : Project Management
1. (a) Distinguish between Project and Production Management. Discuss the critical success factors in project management.
(b) Explain your understanding regarding "Technical Analysis" in the context of project management.
2. (a) Discuss the various available methods for economic analysis of projects.
(b) Discuss the various issues related to equipment and process technology as applied to project management.
3. (a) What is resource levelling ? Discuss the various methods of resource levelling.
(b) Discuss the relevant and different types of cost to be estimated in the life cycle of a project. How does the level of accuracy increase progressively ?
4. (a) What are the different Organisation Structures recommended for project organisation ? Explain their advantages and disadvantages.
(b) What do you understand by "Feedforward Project Control" ? How do you compare it with Feed Back System ? Explain the role of Feedforward Control in MIS for project management.
5. (a) Explain the pitfalls in the traditional method of cost accounting and expenditure control in projects.
(b) Discuss the quality control methods usually applied in project management.