Ms-92 question Bank (7)
Ms-92 question Bank
MS 92 JUNE 2015
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination 4zr cf\i June, 2015 or) CD MS-92 : MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC
1. In the context of Public Enterprises differentiate between the concept of Socialism and Mixed Economy models of economic growth.
2. With reference to Public
3. Analyse the impact of various reform measures on public enterprises after the reforms of 1991.
4. Describe the role of the Department of Public Enterprises in the Management of Public Enterprises in
5. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) The Global Trends of PEs
(b) Financial Audit
(c) Gantt Charts
(d) Public Accountability of PEs
(e) Benefits of Privatisation
Ms-92 December, 2009 Management of Public Enterprises
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2009
Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises
1. 'The changeover from public to private sector has taken a number of forms'. Critically comment on the statement taking into consideration the transformation of public to private sector.
2. What are the different types of audit ? Explain how public enterprises maintain a higher degree of accountability through audit process carried out by various government agencies ?
3. What do you understand by the concept of 'sickness' in case of public enterprises. What are the different causes of sickness ? Explain with suitable examples.
4. Write a note on the Public Enterprises Selection Board (P.E.S.B) , with respect to its functions, constitution and the selection procedure followed by them ? Discuss its relevance in today's context .
5. Write short notes on :
(a) Wage policy
(b) Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS)
6. Unions, with few exceptions, have opposed privatisation of PSEs in general. Even in cases where full protection of workers interest is assured, they have been reluctant. The prevalent aversion, it appears sterns more from a conservative ideology than a rational outlook but there is more to this aversion.
(a) List out the factors which you think are responsible for aversion to privatisation.
(b) Explain the causes, which result in such kind of aversion.
(c) What in your opinion is the impact on the work culture of an organization which goes
for privatisation ? Explain.
Ms-92 June, 2010 Management of Public Enterprises
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2010
Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises
1. "
2. How corporate Governance is relevant in today's context in public enterprises ? Explore one successful enterprise of your choice, which is society oriented.
3. "Industrial sickness is threat to developing labour surplus economy". Justify, Also discuss the main turnaround strategies followed for revival and reconstruction of sick enterprises.
4 Describe the functions of Public Enterprises Selection Board. State the Government's policy regarding recruitment to various level posts in public enterprises.
5(a) Discuss the implications of disinvsetment on labour force. Also give suggestions to tackle such implications.
(b) Discuss the Policy of Privatisation.
6. Critically evaluate the corporate Planning Process followed in SAIL.
7. Having understood the concept of marketing mix, develop marketing mix strategy for the following.
(a) Tourism Development Corporation
(b) State Financial Corporation
(c) Road Transport Corporation
Ms-92 June, 2011 Management of Public Enterprises
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2011
Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises
1. 'Economic development was sought to be achieved in different countries at different stages of development through different economic models.' Keeping this statement in mind list out the different models of economic growth. Discuss any two models.
2. Explain the various methods of parliamentary control and discuss their relevance in the present context.
3. Write a brief note on the financial performance of State Level Public Enterprises (1-31,Pfs) with special reference to State Electricity Boards (SEf.3s).
4. List out the various techniques of project Management used in Public Enterprises. Critically evaluate PERT and Critical Path Method (CPM).
5. Write short notes on :
Naresh Chandra Committee
Narayan Murthy Committee
6. Over the recent past illy l rover!Iment of disinvested a part of equity of some of the Public Enterprises. What are the motivations behind such steps and how the Government plans to utilize the money ? What benefits are likely to ensure from the public point of view ? Discuss.
7. Over the past decade Indian Railways, by and large have shown improved performance, what are the reasons behind such performance ? Would you, in this context, support privatisation of the railways ? Justify
Ms-92 December, 2011 Management of Public Enterprises
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2011
Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises
1. (a) What are the different objectives of public enterprises ? Explain in brief.
(b) What is the impact of economic reforms on the functioning of state of Public Enterprises in
2. Discuss the various dimensions of Government - PE interface. Also discuss the ways in which the Government control is exercised over the PEs.
3. (a) Discuss the methods/techniques which can be helpful in project implementation.
(b) What methodologies can be used in project evaluation ? Discuss with examples.
4. Discuss the relevance of marketing in public enterprises. What marketing concepts in particular can be helpful in marketing of public enterprises ?
5. Describe the various steps in the process of disinvestment. Comment upon the pricing of shares in the context of recent experience.
6. 'In
7. In the view of some knowledgeable people, Public Enterprises have become irrelevant and therefore, the structure of PEs needs to be dismantled. Critically evaluate and offer your own comments.
Ms-92 December, 2012 Management of Public Enterprises
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2012
Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises
1. 'The patterns of ownership and management of public enterprises vary from country to country'. Discuss the ownership and management pattern of Public Enterprises in
2. Briefly discuss the role of some important organs of the government machinery interacting with Public Enterprises.
3. What is the importance of marketing concepts in Public Enterprises ? Discuss.
4. Briefly discuss the following :
(a) Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS).
(b) Wage Policy followed in Public Enterprises .
6. Taking any Public Sector Enterprise of your choice. Analytically discuss the Personnel Policy followed in that PSE.
7. (a) What are the different forms of disinvestment followed in PSE in todays context ?
(b) Critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each form of disinvestment.
Ms-92 June, 2013 Management of Public
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2013
Ms-92 : Management of Public
1. Briefly describe the concept of socialism in context to Public Enterprises. Also discuss the emergence of Indian brand of socialism and its impact on the economic development of the nation.
2. Define 'Corporate Governance' and explain its concept. Comment on the recommendations made by Birla Committee (2001) and Naresh Chandra Committee (2002) on corporate governance.
3. How has public sector reforms played a role of a 'social developer' ? Discuss giving examples.
4. (a) How is a Board in the case of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) constituted ? Explain.
(b) What is the structure of Board of Directors of PSEs ?
5. List out various dimensions of privatization and explain any five with the help of examples.
6. The public sector, with more than 130 Government of
List out the challenges a Public Enterprise faces in comparison to its private competitors. Support your answer with the help of examples.
7. The Public Sector has played a very important role in the national economic development in