Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

December, 2012 Ms-423: Marketing of Financial Services 1. Discuss the characteristics of 'Services'. Explain the various marketing orientations and discuss which marketing orientation is appropriate for marketing of Financial Services. 2. What are needs and motives? Explain the influence of an individual's needs and motives on individual perception
June, 2013 Ms-423: Marketing Of Financial Services 1. Discuss the various financial services markets in India and comment on some of the recent developments in these markets. 2. What is individual perception ? Discuss its influence on learning and habit development with reference to consumer behaviour. 3. Explain the banking products and services a
December, 2009 Ms-422: Bank Financial Management 1. (a) Briefly discuss the broad categories of development-financing Institutions in India . (b) "The money market gives a considerable amount of liquidity to all participants in financial market". Discuss this statement and bring out the various types of instruments that are used in the money market
June, 2010 Ms-422: Bank Financial Management 1. "Financial Statements are analysed to answer several questions relating to the performance of an organisation". Discuss this statement and identify the questions that are likely to be answered with this analysis. Explain the techniques used for this purpose. 2. Briefly discuss the functions and import
June, 2011 Ms-422: Bank Financial Management 1.  What is meant by Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ? Describe the element of Tier 1 and Tier II capital and explain the significance of this Norms. 2.  What is Call Money Market ? Who are the participants in Call Money Market and why do they participate ? Describe the prudential norms for call m
December, 2011 Ms-422: Bank Financial Management 1. Describe the specialised facilitators for Channelising Savings from Individuals to corporate in the form of capital, through primary markets effectively. Discuss their activities. 2. What do you mean by subordinated debt ? Describe the terms of their issue as subordinated debt instruments, for inc
December, 2012 Ms-422: Bank Financial Management 1.  Describe the assets and liabilities of banks as shown in their Balance Sheets. Explain the significance of Asset Liability Management in the context of bank financial management. 2.  What is Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ? Describe different elements that comprise Tier-I and Tier-II Capi
June, 2013 Ms-422 : Bank Financial Management 1. Discuss the techniques used for financial analysis of banks. Explain the specific ratios used for analysing the financial performance of banks. 2. What do you understand by 'Owned Funds of Banks' ? Explain the different types of 'Reserves and Surpluses' as are shown in a bank's balance sheet. 3. What
  BACHELOR OF LIBRARY INFORMATION AND SCIENCE  June, 2012 BLS- 7 : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY : BASICS 1.1 Define the term 'Information Technology'. Distinguish between reprographic and micrographic technologies. OR 1.2 What do you understand by computer hardware ? Describe the components of a computer system. 2.1 Explain the concept of commu
    BACHELOR OF LIBRARY INFORMATION AND SCIENCE  June, 2012 BLS-6 : INFORMATION SERVICES 1.1  Define 'information'. Discuss the various activities and process which help in information generation. OR 1.2  Explain the terms 'Information Source' and Information Resource'. Discuss the functions of information resources as iden
      BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2012 BLS- 5 : REFERENCE & INFORMATION SOURCES 1.1 Describe the different types of reference queries. Discuss the role of computers in reference service. OR 1.2  Explain the concept of bibliographical control. Describe the activities of various organizations in India in this r
    BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2012 BLS-4 : LIBRARY CATALOGUING THEORY 1.1  Discuss how a library catalogue is different from a bibliography, and other library records and trade catalogues. OR 1.2  Explain the inner forms of a library catalogue. Differentiate between a classified and a dictionary catalogue. 2.1&
    BACHELOR OF LIBRARY INFORMATION AND SCIENCE June, 2012 BLS-4 : LIBRARY CATALOGUING THEORY 1.1  Discuss how a library catalogue is different from a bibliography, and other library records and trade catalogues. OR 1.2  Explain the inner forms of a library catalogue. Differentiate between a classified and a dictionary catalogue
    BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE June, 2012 BLS-3 : LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION THEORY 1.1  Explain the following pair of terms with suitable examples. (a)  Universe and entity (b)  Group and class (c)  Attribute and characteristics (d)  Categories, facets and isolates OR 1.2  What do you understand by library
    BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2012 BLS-2 : LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 1.1  Explain the general principles of management proposed by different thinkers. OR 1.2  Discuss the preliminary considerations to be kept in mind while designing library building. 2.1  Briefly discuss the different types of tools used for book
    BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2012 BLS-1 : LIBRARY AND SOCIETY 1.1  State the five laws of library science. Discuss the implications of the first law on libraries. OR 1.2  Discuss the recommendations of some of the committees relating to the development of public and academic libraries in India . 2.1  Stat
BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2013 BLS-7 : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY : BASICS 1.1 Explain the characteristics of a computer and discuss the significant features of modern computer technology. OR 1.2  What is application software ? Discuss the components which are essential for its design. Describe the commonly used software packages
BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2013 BLS-6 :  INFORMATION SERVICES 1.1 Explain the meaning and characteristics of the term 'information' in the context of library and information science. How the social science information can be grouped in different categories ? Illustrate with examples. OR 1.2 Discuss the need for information in
BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2013 BLS-5 : REFERENCE & INFORMATION SOURCES 1.1 What do you understand by reference service ? Discuss how advances in Information Technology have improved the efficiency of reference service provided by the library. OR 1.2 Differentiate between a general and a subject encyclopaedia. Describe the crit
BACHELOR OF LIBRARY AND SCIENCE  June, 2013 BLS-4 : LIBRARY CATALOGUING THEORY 1.1  Library catalogue reflects the library collection-elucidate the statement. Make a comparative study of bibliography, shelf list and library catalogue. OR 1.2  Give a brief account of physical forms of library catalogue. Make a comparison of card form
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