Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

June, 2013 Ms-495: Ethics And Corporate Governance In Banks SECTION-A 1. Describe the meaning of ethics and values and discuss them in detail giving suitable examples, in context of banks. 2. Analyse the corporate governance regulations applicable to companies in India . 3. How to integrate CSR into every aspect of the company's operations ? Discus
December, 2012 Ms-495: Ethics And Corporate Governance In Banks SECTION-A 1.  (a)  How does a company reinforce values among its employees ? How can it ensure that all decisions reflect the same values ? (b)  What is an ethical dilemma ? Discuss ethical dilemmas related to business and explain how to resolve them. 2.  (a) 
December, 2012 Ms-494: Risk Management In Banks 1.  "Bank Treasury has a major role in managing the different risks of a bank." Discuss fully this statement. 2. What do you mean by 'Interest rate risk'? Explain the different classes of interest rate risk. 3. What are 'Credit Derivatives' ? Discuss the various types of credit derivative instrum
June, 2013 Ms-494: Risk Management In Banks 1. What do you understand by Asset-Liability Management in a bank ? What is its objectives and why is it needed ? Bring out roles and functions of the sub-committees formed under it. 2. Discuss the frameworks of Basel Accord - I and II and explain the changes proposed in the Basel Accord-II for the Basel
December, 2009 Ms-425: Electronic Banking and it in Banks 1.(a) What is internet connectivity ? Briefly discuss its applications. (b) Distinguish between asynchronous and synchronous transmission. 2. What are the different technologies required for call centres ? Discuss the advantages of Internet Banking. 3. What is Tele-banking ? Explain what kin
June, 2010 Ms-425: Electronic Banking and it in Banks 1. Explain different types of networks and distinguish between LAN and WAN. 2. "True Internet Banks are those that allow customer to conduct transactions through their Web sites". Explain,  this statement and discuss the security issues in Internet Banking. 3. Explain the structure of Manag
June, 2011 Ms-425 : Electronic Banking and it in banks 1.  Explain the term "Networked Bank". Describe the three major components of a Networked Bank. Briefly discuss the five major technologies which enable a networked bank. 2.  What is an ATM ? Explain the three major components of ATM. List a few advantages and limitations of ATM. 3.&n
December, 2011 Ms-425: Electronic Banking And It In Banks 1. What is a Local Area Network (LAN) ? Explain its characteristics and discuss the basic elements that are required to install LAN in an organisation. 2. What is a 'Networked Bank' ? Discuss the major technologies which enable the networked bank. 3. Explain the need for information systems
December, 2012 Ms-425: Electronic Banking And It In Banks 1.  Explain the concept of a Local Area Network (LAN) and its advantages. Describe the basic elements of a LAN and their respective functions including LAN Hardware and Software Media, and Communication equipment. 2.  Explain the concept of Electronic Mail (E-mail) and list its adv
June, 2013 Ms-425: Electronic Banking and It In Banks 1. Briefly describe the OSI Reference Model. Explain the functions of the Network Access layer, Transport layer and the Application layer for managing the communication task by the OSI model. 2. Explain the need for information systems in banks. Describe the structure of MIS in a bank highlighti
June, 2013 Ms-425: Electronic Banking and It In Banks 1. Briefly describe the OSI Reference Model. Explain the functions of the Network Access layer, Transport layer and the Application layer for managing the communication task by the OSI model. 2. Explain the need for information systems in banks. Describe the structure of MIS in a bank highlighti
December, 2009 Ms-424: International Banking Management 1. What do you understand by International Banking ? Explain the various reasons for the growth of international banking. 2. Explain the objectives and responsibilities of the International Monetary Fund and discuss the various facilities provided by it. 3. Discuss the following : (a) Reverse
June, 2011 Ms-424: International Banking Management 1.  Explain the functions of Bank for international settlements. Describe its role in achieving cooperation among various central banks. 2.  Describe the role of the Basel Committee at the centre of international financial regulation. What are the principles of the Basel Concordat, 1992
June, 2011 Ms-424: International Banking Management 1.  Explain the functions of Bank for international settlements. Describe its role in achieving cooperation among various central banks. 2.  Describe the role of the Basel Committee at the centre of international financial regulation. What are the principles of the Basel Concordat, 1992
December, 2012 Ms-424: International Banking Management 1.  Discuss the different forms and types of regulations in relation to International Banking. 2.  Briefly explain the role played by the following : (a)  Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) (b)  International Development Association (IDA) 3.  Why is 'Choic
June, 2013 Ms-424 : International Banking Management 1. What is 'International Banking' ? Discuss the reasons for the growth of International Banking. 2. What is Based Capital Accord ? Discuss its main details and point out the amendments which were made in January 1996. 3. Briefly discuss the following : (a) BBA SORP (b) FASB 133 4. What are Excha
December, 2009 Ms-423 : Marketing Of Financial Services 1. What are the different marketing orientations ? Explain the applicability of each of these for marketing of financial services. 2. Explain the Freuidian Model and the Veblenian, behavioural models and discuss their marketing applications. 3. What is branding ? Explain the role and importanc
June, 2010 Ms-423 : Marketing of Financial Services 1. Discuss the characteristics of services. What are the implications that they create for marketers of financial services ? Discuss. 2. Explain the Marshallian and the Pavlovian, behavioural models and discuss the marketing applications of these models. 3. What is the concept of Product Life Cycl
June, 2011 Ms-423 : Marketing of Financial Services 1.  Explain the difference between products and services ? How do these differences impact the marketing process for financial services ? 2.  Describe the Pavlovian Learning Model and explain the marketing application of this model. 3.  Describe the various services and products tha
December, 2011 Ms-423 : Marketing of Financial Services 1. Describe the essential characteristics of financial services and explain how the differences between products and services affect the financial services ? 2.  Define customer value and customer satisfaction ? Discuss the service triangle model as suggested by Karl Albrecht in detail. 3
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