Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

December, 2012 Ms-93 : Management of New and Small Enterprises SECTION-A 1. "Entrepreneurs ae self driven people with strong internal locus of control". Explain giving examples of some successful entrepreneurs. 2. What are the various financial institutions providing long and medium term loans ? Discuss their role in brief. 3.  (a) What factor
June, 2013 Ms-93 : Management Of New And Small Enterprises SECTION-A 1. Briefly explain the meaning of Entrepreneurial competencies.Discuss the stages in which it is developed? 2. What are the factors which influence the decision for selection of site for a Small Scale Enterprizes (SSE). State the locational problems confronted in the selection of
December, 2009 Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises SECTION –A 1. 'The changeover from public to private sector has taken a number of forms'. Critically comment on the statement taking into consideration the transformation of public to private sector. 2. What are the different types of audit ? Explain how public enterprises maintain a higher de
June, 2010 Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises SECTION –A 1. " India 's approach to economic development was compromise between a centrally planned economy and a market economy". Discuss. 2. How corporate Governance is relevant in today's context in public enterprises ? Explore one successful enterprise of your choice, which is society oriente
June, 2011 Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises SECTION – A 1.  'Economic development was sought to be achieved in different countries at different stages of development through different economic models.' Keeping this statement in mind list out the different models of economic growth. Discuss any two models. 2.  Explain the various m
December, 2011 Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises SECTION - A 1. (a)  What are the different objectives of public enterprises ? Explain in brief. (b) What is the impact of economic reforms on the functioning of state of Public Enterprises in India ? Explain. 2. Discuss the various dimensions of Government -  PE interface. Also discu
December, 2012 Ms-92 : Management of Public Enterprises SECTION-A 1.  'The patterns of ownership and management of public enterprises vary from country to country'. Discuss the ownership and management pattern of Public Enterprises in India . 2.  Briefly discuss the role of some important organs of the government machinery interacting wit
June, 2013 Ms-92 : Management of Public SECTION-A 1. Briefly describe the concept of socialism in context to Public Enterprises. Also discuss the emergence of Indian brand of socialism and its impact on the economic development of the nation. 2. Define 'Corporate Governance' and explain its concept. Comment on the recommendations made by Birla Comm
June, 2010 Ms-91 : Advanced Strategic Management SECTION – A 1(a) Discuss the nature and scope of Corporate Management. Is corporate management the same as corporate planning ? (b) "Corporate strategy may exist at three levels." Explain. What are the distinctive characteristics of the three levels of strategy on the standpoint of various dimensions
June, 2011 Ms-91 : Advanced Strategic Management SECTION – A 1.  (a) What could be the different approaches to corporate management ? Critically analyze them by pointing out their merits and demerits. (b) Discuss the components of corporate strategy. How could a company obtain the advantages of synergy ? 2.  In relation to the role of Boa
December, 2011 Ms-91 Advanced Strategic Management SECTION – A 1. (a) Discuss the various kinds of corporate strategy and under which conditionsieach strategy would be followed ? (b) Explain the process of policy formulation. Is policy formulation different from strategy formulation ? Discuss. 2. Why is the need for corporate governance felt ? Disc
December, 2012 Ms-91 : Advanced Strategic Management SECTION – A 1.  Discuss in detail the nature and process of corporate planning and the importance of its implementation. 2.  Bring out the historical perspective of corporate governance and discuss why has it become necessary for business houses to adopt a good corporate Governance. 3.&
June, 2013 Ms-91 : Advanced Strategic Management SECTION - A 1. (a) Briefly discuss the approaches to corporate management. Which one, you think, can be regarded as more appropriate to Indian environment and why ? (b) what is corporate policy and what is its significance" ? How could management formulate effective corporate policy ? 2. (a) "Effecti
December, 2009 Ms-68 : Management Of Marketing   SECTION – A 1. (a) What are the stages involved in Promotional Planning and Strategy ? Explain the same by taking an example of a product of your choice. (b) What do you understand by composition of an advertisement ? What factors are taken into consideration for the same ? Give suitable example
June, 2010 Ms-68 : Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising   SECTION – A 1(a) Explain the concepts of frequency reach, effective reach frequency and continuity. (b) What are the media considerations to be taken into account for promotion of an online-matrimonial site ? 2(a) Discuss the integrated marketing communication and its i
June, 2011 MS-68 : Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising   SECTION – A 1.  (a) Different people buy same products / Brands for different motives. Discuss the above statement and identify the possible buying motives of a young professional for club membership. (b) Explain the relationship between "Message design" and "posit
December, 2011 Ms-68 : Management  of Marketing Communication and Advertising   SECTION - A 1.(a) Discuss the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication as a tool for market development strategies. (b) What is media buying ? How would an advertiser know his return on media investment ? 2(a) "Advertising research can provide guidance, b
December, 2012 Ms-68 : Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising SECTION – A 1.  (a)  Explain the various sources of misunderstanding that may thwart the process of marketing communication, giving suitable examples. (b)  In what ways the advertisers make use of consumer learning concepts ? 2.  (a)  Your organiza
June, 2013 MS-68: Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising SECTION – A 1. (a) Explain some of the important learning theory concepts of relevance to advertisers. (b) Discuss the Ethical Issues in Advertising giving suitable examples. 2. (a) Why would you prefer using radio when the average urban Indian spends comparatively greater time
December, 2009 Ms-66 : Marketing Research SECTION A 1. (a) What are the different ways of classification of Data ? Explain. (b) Illustrate the different methods of graphical presentation of data. 2. A company wants to sell books and accessories for Yoga. Design a questionnaire to profile the potential customers for such products. 3. How is the samp
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