Mba Notes , Assignments , Books , Projects

December, 2011 Ms-56 : Materials Management 1.  (a) What are the objectives of materials management ? Discuss its importance and strategic role in any manufacturing organisation. (b) How does TQM support in creating customer value in materials management ? 2(a) Briefly discuss the problems that a buyer may encounter while entering the internat
December, 2012 Ms-56 : Materials Management 1.  (a)  Describe the three interfaces that Materials Logistics Management (MLM) program covers. (b)  Explain the role of materials management in conserving the environment. 2.  (a)  What is 'sub contracting'? Discuss its advantages and its effect on the output. (b)  Explain
June, 2013 Ms-56 : Materials Management 1. (a) What do you understand by the term 'materials management' ? Briefly describe its functions. (b) Mention the four groups into which the Inventory carrying costs can be categorized. Briefly discuss them. 2. (a) Discuss the stages of source selection process. Which is the most critical stage as per your o
June, 2010 Ms-61 : Consumer Behaviour SECTION – A 1. What are the major influences on organizational buying ? You have been asked to manage the replacement supplies of printers and photocopies in your organisation. How would you define this organisational buying situation and the characteristics associated with it ? 2. What function do attitudes fu
June, 2011 Ms-61 : Consumer Behaviour SECTION – A 1.  You have been asked to advise a mens wear apparel manufacturer, to help them suitably segment their market and identify the most appropriate target segment. The company manufactures both formal and casual wear, and has a stylish, upmarket range. You want or to apply the VALSII typology to h
December, 2011 Ms-61 : Consumer Behaviour SECTION – A 1. (a)  What are the major applications of life style marketing utilised by present day marketer ? Illustrate using suitable examples. (b)  As a retailer of expensive leather luggage, which approach to lifestyle segmentation would you apply and why ? 2. (a)  does the self concept
ms-61 june 2013 June, 2013 MS-63 : PRODUCT MANAGEMENT SECTION-A 1. Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples : (a) Convenience and shopping products (b) Product Line and Product Mix (c) Tangible specifications and Augmented features of a product (d) Skimming Pricing and Penetration Pricing 2. (a) How would marketing strategies vary
June, 2013 MS-63 : PRODUCT MANAGEMENT SECTION-A 1. Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples : (a) Convenience and shopping products (b) Product Line and Product Mix (c) Tangible specifications and Augmented features of a product (d) Skimming Pricing and Penetration Pricing 2. (a) How would marketing strategies vary across differen
June, 2013 MS-63 : PRODUCT MANAGEMENT SECTION-A 1. Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples : (a) Convenience and shopping products (b) Product Line and Product Mix (c) Tangible specifications and Augmented features of a product (d) Skimming Pricing and Penetration Pricing 2. (a) How would marketing strategies vary across differen
December, 2012 MS-61 : CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR SECTION – A 1. (a) Explain the various roles that different people as individuals can take in the context of consumer buying behaviour, taking the examples of : (i) Toys (ii) Car (b) Discuss the applications of Lifestyle Marketing giving suitable examples. 2. (a) What is Organisational buying behaviour ? Di
December, 2009 Ms-55 : Logistics and Supply Chain Management 1(a) Define value. Use Porter's value chain to explain how logistics helps organizations in deriving competitive advantage ? (b) What do you understand by Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) ? State some of the strategies that are followed in implementation of ECR. 2a) Explain the concept o
June, 2010 MS-55 : Logistics And Supply Chain Management 1(a) Every organisation has to move materials to support its operations. What do service companies like Internet service providers move ? Is the concept of supply chain relevant for these companies ? (b) The root cause of the problems faced by many supply chains is a mismatch between the type
June, 2011 Ms-55 : Logistics and Supply Chain Management 1.  (a) Discuss the goals of a supply chain and explain the impact of supply chain decisions on the success of a firm. (b) Describe the supply chain for a paper manufacturing organization. 2.  (a)  What is more important - inbound or outbound logistics in a supply chain ? Why ?
December, 2011 MS-55 : Logistics and Supply Chain Management 1. (a)   What are the primary responsibilities of logistics group and marketing group within an organization ? Why there is a conflict between the two ? (b) State some of the strategies that are followed in implementation of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR). 2. (a)  What a
December, 2012 Ms-55 : Logistics And Supply Chain Management 1. (a) Describe the evolution of Supply Chain Concept. What in your opinion is the most important stage? (b) How can customer service be improved by proper implementation of SCM? 2. (a) What are the reasons for variability in the supply chain? Explain in detail with relevant examples. (b)
June, 2013 Ms-55 : Logistics And Supply Chain Management 1. (a) What is Physical Distribution Management ? Describe its components. (b) Elucidate the "total approach" to Physical Distribution Management. 2. (a) What is more important - Inbound or Outbound logistics in a supply chain ? (b) Explain the Push-Pull supply chain system. Why is it called
December, 2009 Ms-54 : Management Of Information Systems 1. (a) Discuss the various models for the decision making process. (b) Define Management Information Systems and discuss various characteristics expected of a good MIS. 2. (a) How do you trace the growth of MIS function in an organisation ? (b) Describe the major phases in MIS design. Compare
June, 2010 MS-54 : Management of Information Systems 1. (a) "The way organisation cannot exist without MIS, even information does not exist without organisation". Discuss. (b) What is the relevance of Nolan's stage Growth Model for the Study of Information Systems in today's organisation ? 2. (a) Describe the major phases in MIS design. Can you com
June, 2011 MS-54 : Management of Information Systems 1.  (a) Distinguish between structured and unstructured decisions. Give example from automobile and hotel industry. (b) Explain the process of evaluation of management information system 2.  (a) Elaborate your understanding about the concept of information resource assessment. (b) Expla
December 2011 Ms-54  :  Management of Information Systems 1. (a)  Discuss the information requirement for different stages of decision making. (b)  Differentiate between physical structure and conceptual structure of information systems. 2. (a)  What do you understand by strategic planning for MIS ? Explain the relationship
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